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Will Clagget is shown here with a handful of hens at his family's Lmestone Street chicken coop, which is included in the Tour de Coops tour of backyard chickens in the Village. (Photos by Matt Minde)

Will Clagget is shown here with a handful of hens at his family's Lmestone Street chicken coop, which is included in the Tour de Coops tour of backyard chickens in the Village. (Photos by Matt Minde)

Local hen houses focus of TLT benefit

Tour de Coops, a bicycyle and walking tour of local backyard poultry efforts, is planned Sunday, June 8, as a benefit for Tecumseh Land Trust.

A dozen Yellow Springs-area homes and enterprises will open their hen houses to visitors for the afternoon. Site maps and parking will be available at Antioch University Midwest. Access to the sites will be by bike or foot, but vehicle passes will be available for sites with handicap access. Guests may proceed at their own pace and in no certain order.

Registration for the event is $10 for adults and $5 for children 6 and older. Preregistration is available online at . Tour passes will be available from noon to 3 p.m. Property owners will be on location to answer questions, and talk chicken from noon to 4 pm.

In addition, the Harvest Mobile Cuisine Food Truck, which features a variety of local foods, will be parked from noon to 4 p.m. at Antioch University Midwest.

The event is being produced by PIC, or the Planet Improvement Cooperative.

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