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Articles About farming

  • Sugar Shack Tour coming up March 4

    As sap flows in area sugar maples, syrup season is just around the corner. Flying Mouse Farms is hosting a Sugar Shack Tour on March 4 to show local residents how the sweet stuff is made.

  • Sticky business at Flying Mouse Farms

    John DeWine of Flying Mouse Farms is busy these days boiling down hundreds of gallons of sap from some 650 taps of the farm’s maple trees to make maple syrup. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    John DeWine is busy these days boiling down hundreds of gallons of maple sap to make Flying Mouse Farms’ maple syrup.

  • Local hen houses focus of TLT benefit

    Tour de Coops, a bicycyle and walking tour of local backyard poultry efforts, is planned Sunday, June 8, as a benefit for Tecumseh Land Trust.
    A dozen Yellow Springs-area homes and enterprises will open their hen houses to visitors for the afternoon. Site maps and parking will be available at Antioch University Midwest.

  • Getting from waste to want not

    The busy bugs of EnviroFlight are churning out a new product this year — a natural fertilizer that some say is making area tomato plants grow like weeds.

  • Drought affects crops, lawns

    The soybeans at Craig Corry’s Miami Township farm only reach to his knees, when they should be nearly waist high at this point in the season. The moderate drought in the Dayton area has stunted the growth of area soybeans and corn, threatening to cut into yields. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The hot and dry weather this summer has no doubt stressed local homeowners whose lawns have turned brown from lack of rain. But even more stressed are area crops.

  • Pitstick land purchased for agricultural use

    The 100 acres of farmland just north of the Center for Business and Education sold last month to the area farmers who had been farming it. While the local farm does not have a conservation easement on it, its use for agricultural purposes is likely to remain stable for now.

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