
Planning Commission meeting

Notice is hereby given that:

A public hearing with the Planning Commission has been requested for one property in the Village of Yellow Springs;

Conditional Use Application (Office/Lodging) – 209 E. Herman Street – R-B Moderate Density Residential District.  Jennifer Horner, applicant. Applicant is requesting an Office/Lodging Conditional Use located in an existing building. Parcel ID #F190001001400004600.

Text Amendments – The Village of Yellow Springs is applying for modifications for the following zoning text items:

a. Revision of Section 1282.05 regarding the regulation of non-conforming lots with existing structures.

b. Revision of Section 1262.08 regarding the regulation of Home Occupations in Accessory Dwelling Units.


DATE: Monday, October 12, 2015

TIME:  7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Bryan Center, 100 Dayton St, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

This notice provides you and every other interested party the opportunity to appear or have input at the hearing. You may come in person or have someone appear on your behalf. You may express your views in writing by providing a copy to the Clerk of Council for inclusion in the record of the hearing. The applications, as prepared by the petitioners, may be examined at the office of the Village Manager on the 2nd floor of the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387. Questions regarding the applications, zoning code or procedures may be directed to the Assistant Village Manager at the same address, or by calling 937-767-3703 or by email dswinger@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us.

Denise Swinger

Planning & Zoning Administrator



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