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  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Global company purchases EnviroFlight

    The local business EnviroFlight, located at MillWorks, was recently purchased by Intrexon, a global company with a focus on synthetic biology. Shown above is EnviroFlight’s founder and president, Glen Courtright, in a 2013 interview with CNN about his new process for creating fish and animal food from insect larvae. (News Archive Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Seven years ago, Glen Courtright launched EnviroFlight, a tiny business sparked by a big dream: to alleviate world hunger by creating a sustainable and affordable way to feed fish and animals.

  • David Lawrence Fleming

    David Lawrence Fleming

    David Lawrence Fleming passed away on March 23 after a long and eventful life.

  • 2016 Bulldog Spring sports schedule

    The 2016 Bulldog spring sports schedule is available in this week’s print edition of the News.

  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Monday, Apr. 4, 2016, 7 p.m.

  • Planning Commission meeting agenda

    Mon., Apr. 11, 2016, 7:00 p.m.

  • Yellow Springs middle and high school student drug use assessed

    On Monday, Yellow Springs students filled out the latest version of the Dayton Area Drug Survey, a bi-annual survey designed to collect data on the substance use habits of area students.

  • Egg scramble

    About 60 children took part in last Saturday’s annual Easter egg hunt at the Gaunt Park hill. It was a perfect spring day as kids sprinted up the hill, searching for goodies in the grass. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    About 60 children took part in last Saturday’s annual Easter egg hunt at the Gaunt Park hill, sponsored by the Central Chapel AME Church.

  • Betty Jean (Aye) Coles

    Betty Jean (Aye) Coles

    Betty Jean (Aye) Coles passed away peacefully on March 21, 2016, at her home.

  • Tomes and treats ‘not that far’

    Area book lovers can now add good food to their list of reasons to visit Blue Jacket Books in downtown Xenia. Owners and Yellow Springs residents Cassandra Lee and Lawrence Hammar, pictured here, added Tables of Contents Café to their expanding bookstore empire at the end of December. The café features homemade dishes from mostly organic ingredients, cooked by Lee and Yellow Springs resident James Luckett. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Tables of Contents Café is the newest offering of Blue Jacket Books, the Xenia bookstore owned by husband-and-wife team Lawrence Hammar and Cassandra Lee of Yellow Springs.

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