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  • Council questions water plant hike

    Council members considered that question at their March 7 meeting whether the village could recoup some of the money it paid for initial designs of the new water plant, given that cost turned out to be grossly inaccurate.

  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    ORDINANCE NO. 2016-02, Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Yellow Springs school board eyes rising PBL costs

    The Yellow Springs School District’s budget work session concerned itself with overall ways to increase revenue as the district slides to deficit spending.

  • CMYS to present the Zodiac Trio

    The Zodiac Trio of the Manhattan School of Music will perform in the Chamber Music Yellow Springs series on Sunday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Shown above are pianist Riko Higuma, clarinetist Kliment Krylovskiy and violinist Vanessa Mollard. (Submitted Photo)

    The Zodiac Trio will perform a concert of chamber music at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 20, at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Bid requests for construction

    Home, Inc. of Yellow Springs

  • Memorial for Jewel Graham

    A memorial service celebrating the life of Precious Jewel Graham will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 30.

  • A taste for travel sparks new job

    Villager and retired nonprofit director Toni Dosik recently launched a new business, Perfectly Planned Travel, offering customized vacations for villagers to Great Britain, France and Portugal. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A taste for travel struck early for Antonia “Toni” Dosik, who points to a trip to Europe with her mother and sister when she was 13 as opening a door on the possibilities of the world.

  • HRC focus on women’s safety

    If a woman’s instinct says she’s unsafe in a situation, she should trust that feeling, according to two public safety experts at last Thursday’s Human Relations Commission, or HRC, meeting.

  • Shirley Wexler

    Shirley Wexler

    Shirley Wexler died in her home in Yellow Springs on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016, at age 90.

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