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  • Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Helen Chasens

    Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Helen Chasens

    Gertrude Helen “Trudy” Chasens passed away at the age of 98 on Feb. 25, 2016, in Verona, Pa.

  • Groups striving for a local economy of resilience, equity

    This month’s focus on local economy includes discussions of time exchanges, cooperative food hubs, local investing and more. Here, participants in a yarn game at Community Solutions’ fall 2015 conference discover how their skills intersect with their neighbors’ needs. Such intersections are the basis of the “sharing economy,” an economy centered on shared access to goods and services. (Submitted photo by John H. Morgan)

    A time bank. A worker-owned cooperative food hub. A cooperative entrepreneurial hub with shared services and support. Community-supported industries. Local financing and investing.

  • Village levy wins big; Bernie, Kasich take YS

    Village voters overwhelmingly approved the Village property tax levy renewal on March 15. Local Democratic voters also favored Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton and Republicans chose John Kasich over the Donald.

  • Tom Manley reflects on first weeks at Antioch College

    “What I need to bring is not a new box of ideas to be unpacked and put on the shelf with all the other boxes of ideas. We need to develop a framework for the emergent knowledge that’s here.” — Tom Manley

  • BLOG — Chill, dudes

    Lauren “Chuck” Shows says a few words about bears.

  • BLOG-Mini Maker

    I put together my first booth with a lot of help from my friends.

  • Bulldogs lose to Jackson Center in close game

    Try as they might, the Boys Bulldogs lost ??-?? against Jackson Center Friday night. (Photo by Daniel Deaton)

    Try as they might, the Yellow Springs Bulldog boys basketball team couldn’t best Jackson Center in Friday’s Division IV regional finals at the Fairmont Trent Arena. The final score was 46-39.

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover – the final installment

    That I complain a lot about my fairly trouble-free life notwithstanding, what did I ultimately learn from my summer as a mover? I’m not sure, but my thoughts on the default goodness or evil of human nature tilted in favor of the latter.

  • “Footloose” schedule changed to support Bulldogs

    “Footloose,” the YSHS musical, will not be presented on Friday, March 11, as originally planned, in order to not conflict with the Yellow Springs High School boys basketball team’s appearance in the Division IV regional finals on that night. Instead, the play will give a performance on Thursday, March 10, at 8 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.

  • Planning Commission meeting agenda

    Mon., Mar. 14, 2016, 7 p.m.

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