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  • Guns and grand juries up for reform

    Walmart stores sell their guns behind glass, as pictured above. The Beavercreek Walmart, where John Crawford III was killed two years ago, previously sold air rifles off the shelf, but no longer sells the rifles, according to a store associate. The Xenia Walmart, however, continues to sell air rifles; a recent visit to that store counted 24 varieties of the rifle sold off the shelf. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Fifth article in this series: In Ohio, the public outcry following the police shootings of John Crawford III and Tamir Rice, as well as the growing national dialogue on policing and criminal justice, has led to a variety of recommendations for structural reform in the criminal justice system.

  • Yellow Springs Board Zoning Appeals Agenda

    Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016 at 7:00 p.m

  • New McKinney, Mills Lawn teachers

    Eight new teachers and the new fundraiser for the Yellow Springs school district took part in orientation activities last week. Front row, from left, teachers Steve Bleything, Kevin Lydy, Robert Grote and Christopher Snider. Back row, from left, district fundraiser Dawn Boyer and teachers Shannon Wilson, Carrie Juergens, Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp and Jaimie Adoff. Yellow Springs students return to school this Friday, Aug. 19. The three new Yellow Springs High School teachers will be profiled in the August 25 issue of the News. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The district is welcoming eight newly hired teachers to the local schools this year. This article introduces the five new Mills Lawn and McKinney Middle School teachers. In a following article will introduce the three new teachers at Yellow Springs High School.

  • Your Village Needs You!

    Arts & Culture Commission, Community Access Panel, Environmental Commission

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • McKinney 7th graders launch year in canoes

    As the start of the school year draws closer, teachers and staff at the district’s schools already have plans in place for a number of immersive educational projects that reflect the district’s philosophy of project-based learning, or PBL.

  • BLOG — The confidence of 6

    Lucy sits down for her first day of Kindergarten at Mills Lawn.

    As Lucy starts Kindergarten, it’s clear that I’m much more anxious about it than she is.

  • BLOG— In sorrow and in joy

    They got married in a garden bordering an old-growth forest. I love the symbolism of that. Their lives are theirs to cultivate, and I have no doubt they will grow a good garden together.

  • Explore history of village schools on walking tour

    The Union School House is one of several historic school buildings in Yellow Springs, which will be explored on a walking tour guided by YS Heritage on Aug. 27. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Yellow Springs Heritage will lead a walking tour of the historic schools of the village on Saturday, Aug. 27, beginning at 1 p.m.

  • BLOG-Perfecting the Pie

    I’ve got my pie crust recipe down pat. Now to work on the fillings.

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