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Village Council Regular Meeting

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Village Council Annual Retreat

Monday, April 24, 2017, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Antioch University Midwest, Room B105

Please arrive at 8:45 a.m. to enable the retreat to start promptly at 9 a.m.

Overarching Goals for the Retreat
• Developing a timeline for 2017 Council Goals
• Planning and managing meetings to be most effective and inclusionary
• Manage projects and proposals between Council, Commissions and Staff
• Improving Council Effectiveness with citizens, staff and commissions

9:00Welcome & Review Agenda
9:05Council, Staff and Solicitor share thoughts/observations
(3 minutes each). 
9:35Council 2017 Goals Timeline 
11:30Conflict of Interest Procedure Clarification (led by Chris Conard)
12:45Project Management (relationship with staff, boards, commissions and consultants)

• Staff Workflow/Direction, Board/Commission Role in accomplishing Council goals, Process to move Board/Commission work to Staff and Council, Consultant Contracts, Role of Council in Project Management

1:45Council/Staff handling of citizen inquiries and information requests 
2:15Status of Leadership Training and Staff Development
3:00Executive Session to consider the employment or compensation of a public employee (Council Only Session) 


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