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  • Winter hike along gorge to be revived

    Clifton Gorge in winter. (Photo from Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves Facebook page.)

    A winter hike in the Little Miami River Gorge will be held Saturday, Feb. 17. A former annual tradition, this hike is being revived for the second year in a row and is co-sponsored by ODNR’s John Bryan State Park and Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve.

  • YS teacher named finalist for national award

    McKinney Middle school English teacher Jaime Adoff is a top-10 finalist for the biennial Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching, a national award sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • Repair Cafe at new location on Saturday

    Frank Blackstone watches intently as volunteer, Duard Headley fixes his old eight-track player at last Fall's YS Repair Cafe.

    YS Repair Cafe brings people together to practice sustainability through community action, at Antioch College this weekend.

  • Democracy afoot

    A crowd of several thousand people, including many from Yellow Springs, converged on Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton Saturday, Jan. 20, for the second annual Dayton Women’s March. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    A crowd of several thousand people converged on Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton last Saturday, Jan. 20, for the second annual Dayton Women’s March.

  • February 1, 2018 Bulldog sports round-up

    February 1, 2018 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Your Village Needs You!


  • Your Village Needs You!


  • Typographical error forces special meeting

    A typo in the bond and tax levy resolution approved by the Yellow Springs school board earlier this month forced the board to call a special meeting Tuesday, Jan. 23, to replace the incorrect resolution with the corrected version.

  • Barrett Eugene Blackwell

    Barrett Eugene Blackwell

    Mr. Barrett Eugene Blackwell, age 66, of College Park, Ga., passed away unexpectedly on Jan. 18, 2018.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

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