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  • February 15, 2018 Bulldog sports round-up

    The Yellow Springs High School girls swim team won the Metro Buckeye Conference championship for the third year in a row on Saturday, Feb. 3. Shown above celebrating are Coach Franklin Halley (lower left) and team members Sara Zendlovitz, Madison Werner, Eden Spriggs, Natalie Galarza, Jude Meekin, Aza Hurwitz and Ellery Bledsoe. In a statement this week, YSHS Athletic Director Nate Baker wrote, “We want to extend a huge congratulations to the YS swim team as they earned the 2018 Metro Buckeye Conference title! This caps off a 3-peat as they now have been the conference champs 3 years in a row — what an amazing accomplishment! This team and coaching staff has shown a drive and commitment level that we strive for across the board for our teams.” The girls will swim this Friday, Feb. 16, at the districts meet at Miami University. (Submitted photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    February 15, 2018 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 7 p.m.

  • Community input sought for future PBL projects

    Isaiah Search used a tree identification guide to help his team chart and name the trees near the tennis court at Mills Lawn school in 2014. The second-grade class mapped the campus to help the district figure out which trees were at risk for emerald ash borer disease. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs Schools is requesting ideas from the community for future project-based learning projects.

  • BLOG— The rule of love

    Marc Chagall, "Over the Town," 1918. (Via

    When I was six — and eight, and 10, but never again after then — I made valentines for everybody in my class. Everybody did. The rule was that you liked everybody, even those you suspected you didn’t like.

  • Documentary explores concept of Black History Month

    The 2018 Elaine Comegys Film Festival, presented by The 365 Project, will feature a screening of the documentary “More Than a Month.”

  • Bulldog Sports events for Feb. 9–26

    Bulldog Sports events for Feb. 9–26: Cheer on the teams as winter sports come to a close!

  • Local photographer featured at Emporium

    Local artist, Lincoln Castricone makes landscape photography that is available currently at Emporium Wine & Underdog Cafe in Yellow Springs.

  • Bulldog Brigade puts skills to work

    Making some dough: As a member of Yellow Springs High School’s Bulldog Brigade, junior Harper Mesure has completed a variety of temporary job placements around town, including at The Winds Cafe, above, where owner Mary Kay Smith was so impressed with his work, she hired him part time. (Submitted Photo by Sylvia Ellison)

    Sierra Miller, a senior at Yellow Springs High School, says her “dream job” is to be  a voiceover artist, working in television and radio. In the meantime, she’s getting a variety of job experiences, for wherever her dreams take her, through a distinctive district program.

  • BLOG — Scenes from a Birch Manor fundraiser

    It was my first time at Glen Helen’s Wine and Jazz fundraiser at Birch Manor. I had a lot of fun and saw plenty of wood.

  • Food aid, from PORCH to pantry

    A new volunteer initiative called PORCH aims to collect food items from villagers’ homes to donate to the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry. The local PORCH effort is organized by Libby Hammond, left, with support from Pastor Rick Jones, of United Methodist Church, where the pantry is located, and the pantry’s director, Paula Hurwitz. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry is about to get a boost, thanks to a new project called PORCH and the efforts of local resident Libby Hammond.

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