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Four public discussions of the recent Housing Needs Assessment are scheduled for the month of April.

Four public discussions of the recent Housing Needs Assessment are scheduled for the month of April.

Discuss Housing Needs Assessment

The Village of YS will hold four community conversations on housing needs during the month of April. The sessions will be used to present to the community the finds of the recent Housing Needs Assessment prepared by Bowen National Research, as well as to gather comments and suggestions from villagers on the topic. Each session will present the same information and will be approximately one-and-a-half to two hours in length. The dates, times and locations of the presentations are as follows:

Wednesday, April 4, 7 p.m., Mills Lawn;

Thursday, April 5, 10:30 a.m., Senior Center;

Monday, April 9, 6 p.m., First Baptist Church;

Saturday, April 21, 2 p.m., Bryan Center rooms A and B.

Residents are welcomed and encouraged to attend any or all of the sessions. Questions may be directed to the Village Manager’s Office at 767-1279.


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