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  • Decision pending — Meister won’t be fired

    Last week, Village Manager Patti Bates confirmed that Yellow Springs Police Officer Dave Meister won’t be fired at the conclusion of the recent internal investigation into his professional behavior.

  • Man over board

    Cameron Rohr, 20, of Springfield, performed a “truck bash” at the Village skatepark on Monday. Despite temperatures in the teens, Rohr slashed and soared with his friends for at least three hours. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Cameron Rohr, 20, of Springfield, and friend Danny Hockett were bummed, but not too fazed, by the recent demolition of six wooden ramps at the request of the Village’s insurance company.



  • Kathleen Brown

    Kathleen Brown passed away at hospice on March 3, 2019. She was 65 years old.

  • Village Council — 62 seek Village Manager job

    The process of vetting candidates to be the next Village Manager is officially underway, Council President Brian Housh reported at Council’s Feb. 18 regular meeting.

  • Anna Faye Yoakum

    Anna Faye Yoakum

    Anna Faye Yoakum, of Springfield, passed away Saturday, March 2, 2019. She was 89.

  • Linda Jane Hubbuch

    Linda Jane Hubbuch

    Linda Jane Hubbuch died Tuesday evening, Feb. 19, 2019, peacefully at home.

  • Village Council approves goals set for 2019

    At its March 4 regular meeting, Council unanimously passed the first reading of its goals for the year.

  • School event to welcome Rwandan educators

    Brother Straton Malisaba and Brother Crescent Karerangabo, of the Catholic boarding school Ecole des Sciences, in Byimana, Rwanda, will be guests Tuesday, March 5, at a “Mini French Cafe,” hosted by the French classes at Yellow Springs High School.

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