
On Tuesday, April 7, Yellow Springs Community Foundation volunteers Brendan Sheehan, left, and Frank Jennings, clad in their personal protective equipment, waited by the United Methodist Church to receive donations to the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry. Those interested in donating to the drive may do so on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, from 9–11:30 a.m., at the church. To read about donation guidelines and to see a full list of needed items, go to The Yellow Springs Food Pantry also accepts monetary donations. Checks may be mailed to 202 S. Winter St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387. (Photo by Reilly Dixon)

YS food relief effort: An update

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The following update was provided by Melissa Heston, outreach manager for the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, who is focusing on local food relief efforts during the coronavirus crisis:

• YS Community Food Pantry received food donations of 46 bags and five boxes on Monday, April 6, through the efforts of YS PORCH headed by Libby Hammond and her crew. On Tuesday, April 7, the pantry received an additional eight bags of food, as well as checks. Donations are accepted on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. YSCF volunteers Brendan Sheehan and Frank Jennings staffed the drop-off.

• Little Free Pantry has acquired storage space through the generosity of the YS First Presbyterian Church and community, headed by the Rev. Daria Shafnitt. This will enable Kim Horn and YSCF volunteers Lynn Adams and Chelsey Aronholt to more readily store and restock the pantry.

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• Florence Randolph, YSPD community outreach coordinator, has been focused on helping individuals and families with food needs. She said the volume is lower than usual probably because there are so many different resources from which to draw help from around the Village and County.

Yellow Springs Schools continue to serve their free and reduced lunch families with two drops weekly (Tuesday and Friday) of breakfasts and lunches as well as some groceries from the local food pantry. The food pantry supports families on free or reduced lunches with additional meals. Next week they’ll be providing 100 bags of food.

• Regarding the YS Senior Center, Director Karen Wolford reported that the staff at the senior center has increased weekly grocery orders to Tom’s Market due to this critical period of time where seniors need to stay at home. She and her staff are reassessing how this process could be streamlined to lessen the burden of time spent on this task.

The Yellow Springs Farmers Market will be a “drive through market” again this week, located at the parking lot of YSHS, increasing up to three or four essential vendors and operating from 8 to 11 a.m. Saturdays as supply lasts. Customers are encouraged to bring cash and advised to wear gloves and a mask. YSCF volunteers will be on hand  to direct them.

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