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Yellow Springs Public Notices

Planning Commission Meeting Agenda — Aug. 11

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— Public Notice —
This notice provides you and every other interested party the opportunity to have input at the meeting. We will broadcast the public hearing “live” via our Community Access cable station, which is simultaneously shown on the Village’s “Community Access Yellow Springs” YouTube station.
To join live to make a statement during the public hearing, use the Zoom platform at this link:
Alternatively, if you do not have cable or online access, you can dial into these meetings via Zoom using 929-205-6099 with the access code 355-545-7065.
The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk Office at 937-767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.
Tuesday, Aug.11, 2020 at 6 p.m. • Virtual Meeting
• Minutes of July 14, 2020 Regular Meeting
• Conditional Use Application — R-B, Moderate Density Residential District –David Johansen has submitted a conditional use application for an Accessory Dwelling Unit at 602 Keystone Court – Ch. 1262.08 Specific Requirements; Ch. 1248.02 Schedule of Uses: Residential Districts. Greene County Parcel ID# F19000100010000300
• Conditional Use Application –– R-B Moderate Density Residential District – Michael Anes and Heather Wright have submitted a conditional use application for a Home Occupation at 409 S. Stafford Street to grow fruits and vegetables for resale – Ch. 1262 Conditional Use – Specific Requirements; Ch. 1248.02 Schedule of Uses: Residential Districts. Greene County Parcel ID# F19000100090001500; F19000100090001900; F19000100090001400; F19000100090001300; F19000100090001200
• Conditional Use Application –– R-C High Density Residential District – Max Crome has submitted a conditional use application for professional offices at 604 Xenia Avenue. Property owners Andrew Carlson and Krista Magaw. Ch. 1262 Conditional Use – Specific Requirements; Ch. 1248 Residential Districts Greene County Parcel ID#F19000100090010500 & F19000100090010600
• Conditional Use Application –– B-1, Central Business District – Iron Table Holdings, LLC has submitted a conditional use application for 241 Xenia Avenue to have a dwelling unit on the upper floor of a building with a nonresidential use at street level.  Ch. 1262 Conditional Use -Specific Requirements; Ch. 1250.02 Schedule of Uses: Business Districts. Greene County Parcel ID# F19000100100000600– 239/241/243 Xenia Avenue
• Map Amendment – Request for Rezoning – Iron Table Holdings, LLC, is requesting an amendment to the Village of Yellow Springs Official Zoning District Map to rezone their property at 403 Xenia Avenue from B-1, Central Business District to R-C, High-Density Residential in order to allow for its use as a multi-family dwelling per Ch. 1280 Amendments and Rezoning. Greene County Parcel ID #F19000100090017500 and two other parcels – Greene County Parcel ID #’s F19000100090017600 – 120 E Limestone St and F19000100090017700 – 415 Xenia Avenue 
The Village of Yellow Springs is applying for amendments to the Planning Code:
• Amend Chapter 1226.07 Subdivision Regulations – Park Land Distribution
• Appendix A – Estate Street Section


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