The first Dayton Street Cirque Carnival was held in July 2010 during the Yellow Springs Experience, a 10-day arts education series. Shown here are, from left, Mindy Harney, Patrick Harney (kneeling), Pierre Nagley and Lara Bauer. Subsequent carnivals were held in 2011 and 212. (YS News Archive Photo by Lauren Heaton)
News from the Past
- Published: September 11, 2020
10 years ago — 2010
New Energy Board. Village Council approved a Village Energy Board with a charge to work with Village staff to help reduce the Village’s carbon footprint. [The Village website now lists the Energy Board as “On Hiatus.”]
The Yellow Springs Experience. Nearly 20 local organizations collaborated on a 10-day arts education series with the goal to bring diverse arts experiences under an umbrella marketed to out-of-town visitors.
Presbyterians celebrate church building’s 150th. “In 1855 the First Presbyterian Church was founded in Yellow Springs when Nancy Love, tired of going by horseback in bad weather to Clifton and other nearby towns, successfully convinced her husband Robert to start, with other locals, a Presbyterian Church here in town.” Five years later the downtown church was built.
25 years ago — 1995
Village Auction. “A chain saw, a cassette player, in-line skates, a fishing pole and over 100 bicycles are among the items that will be on the auction block … during the Village of Yellow Springs’ annual sale of surplus items.”
The Union School House. Village Planning Commission approved a conditional use in a Residence “C” Zone for 20 offices or artists’ studios at 314 Dayton St., most recently the old Village Building.
Elderhostel at Eco Camp. Forty-three people, roughly half children, attended an Elderhostel camping program at the Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center for grandparents and their grandchildren.
50 years ago — 1970
Discrimination against college students. “The Yellow Springs Human Relations Commission has ordered the Little Art Theatre to end discrimination in admission against college students. … Theatre manager Mark Post admitted out-of-town patrons in preference to Antioch students.”
Developer buys land. “Sale of 142 acres of the Archie Peterson [now Pence] farm lying just south of the village limits and just west of Route 68 has been completed, but development of the property is still ‘in the talking stage,’ said Richard Benner, president of Brush, Inc. of Dayton, which acquired the property from Mr. Peterson for $250,000. Immediate resale of the property by Brush to Central Acres Associates of Dayton for $390,000 was announced.” This began a five-year community debate about land use planning and growth. The land remains in farming.
75 years ago — 1945
Outhouses stink. “Arrangements have been made for the spraying of outdoor toilets every two weeks. … According to the Mayor most owners of outdoor toilets … have already made arrangements for plumbing as soon as possible.”
100 years ago — 1920
YS a Republican Party center. “The nomination of [Republican Warren] Harding and [Democrat James] Cox as presidential candidates is going to make Ohio the battleground for supremacy and Yellow Springs is going to see much of the fray for the reason that Dr. Fess is the chairman of the Republican National Congressional Committee.” Simeon Fess had been President of Antioch College 1907–1917. He served as U.S. Representative 1913–23 and U.S. Senator 1923–35 while living in Yellow Springs.
Morgan to lead Antioch. “Arthur E. Morgan has announced that he will accept the presidency of Antioch.”
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