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Yellow Springs Public Notices

ORDINANCES 2020-30–35

ORDINANCES 2020 -30; 2020-31; 2020-32;
2020-33; 2020-34 and 2020-35

Interested persons will take note that Yellow Springs Village Council, on
Monday, Nov. 2, 2020, gave preliminary approval as a first reading to ordi­
nances 2020-30; 2020-31; 2020-32; 2020-33; 2020-34 and 2020-35, text to follow.
Council will hold a public hearing and vote to potentially pass the ordinances
into law on Monday, Nov. 16, 2020, via a Zoom meeting.

• Ordinance 2020-30 – Section 1224.01 – Right of Way Vacation Proce-
dures – Increasing the number of days from 14 to 20 for an application
to be filed prior to a Planning Commission meeting in order to allow
staff time for proper notification.
• Ordinance 2020-31 – Table 1248.03a – Dimensional Requirements:
Residential Districts – Adding a footnote clarifying the measurement of
a structure when considering the setback requirements.
• Ordinance 2020-32 – Section 1262.08 – Conditional Use – Specific
– Removing the word “adequate” when referring to safety measures
– Requiring wastewater be filtered to minimize grease and solid
matter before it is discharged into public sewers
– Requiring the draft of the conditions, covenants and restrictions
be provided prior to the Planning Commission work session for
Pocket Neighborhood Developments (PNDs)
-Requiring a two-step meeting process for Pocket Neighborhood
Developments with the first serving as a work session to review
final plans with the Planning Commission, and the second to finalize
the review process.
– Requiring a deposit for an independent engineering review.  In our
zoning application fee schedule, we do have a statement regarding
the collection of additional fees where recovery of incurred costs is
necessary.  Because this is a frequently incurred cost, we wanted
to also state it directly in the Pocket Neighborhood Development
section of the zoning code.
• Ordinance 2020-33 – Section 1272.01 – Zoning Permit Required –
When accessory structures measure under 144 sq. ft., a zoning permit
is not required.  Added language to clarify the measurement of an acces-
sory structure when considering the setback requirements, and specific
requirements regarding the distance of structures to power lines (7.5
feet from a 7200-volt distribution line).  Clarified that no zoning permit
is required if paving an existing impervious surfaced parking lot.
• Ordinance 2020-34 – Appendix: Fee Schedule – We require a demo-
lition permit for the removal of structures because we want to ensure
our electric and water meters are properly secured, and the lines for
water and sewer are sealed. This will add a demolition permit fee to
the zoning fee schedule. We also want to rename zoning compliance
certificate to zoning compliance permit.
• Ordinance 2020-35 – Section 1242.06 – Uses Not Listed – allowing
the Zoning Administrator to include uses with similar impacts subject
to Planning Commission approval. At the October meeting of the Planning Commission staff asked for the recommendation of an amendment for uses not listed in the Zoning Code. 
Staff has had several occasions where a use that is not listed in a particular
zoning district was not allowed because it is specified as a use in another
zoning district.  This has happened in areas such as R-C and I-1. 

Full text is available online in the November 2 and November 16 Council packets,
and in the Clerk of Council’s office.
—Brian Housh, Council President


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