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  • Book Review | ‘One More Day’ a joyful celebration of life

    This is a novel for everyone wanting to understand aging in this era of increasing life span as well as increasing health challenges.

  • ‘Loud As the Rolling Sea’ — Alyce Earl-Jenkins on the civil rights generation

    In collaboration with 91.3-FM WYSO’s Eichelberger Center for Community Voices, the News is publishing excerpted transcripts from WYSO’s series “Loud As the Rolling Sea.”

  • District report card suggests losses for YS Schools

    Yellow Springs’ most recent score was 83.5 points out of a possible 120 (69.6%), representing a drop of five percentage points.

  • Dec. 16, 2021 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    The Yellow Springs High School varsity boys basketball team is burning up the court, winning their last six outings. The team’s current record is 6–1 for the season and 3–0 in conference play.

  • Village Council Virtual Meeting


  • Public Meetings

    Planning Commission Special Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 1, 12 p.m.

  • Lawson Place purchase eases tenant worries

    On Nov. 29, Council approved a down payment for the building of $160,000 and authorized the financing of the purchase for up to an additional $800,000. The closing date will likely be after the new year.

  • John Gregory Dixon Jr.

    He loved all birds, but his favorite was the blue heron. The first movie he ever saw was “Moby Dick” at a theater in Saudi Arabia when he was 6 years old.

  • Karen McKee

    Karen McKee, born Nov. 12, 1949, to James A. McKee and Naomi J. (Adams) McKee, passed away Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021, after a yearlong illness.

  • Christina Muenchau-Peterson

    Christina “Christy” Muenchau-Peterson, of Yellow Springs, passed away on Dec. 6, 2021. She was 44.

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