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  • Book examines college readiness

    Barbara Fleming spoke to the News last month about her two-year research and writing process and her intentions for the work, which she said she hopes will be a reference text for educators and community leaders.

  • Revisiting the Kingwood Solar project

    Thousands of pages of testimony, motions, exhibits and other related documents have been filed in the ongoing effort by Texas-based Vesper Energy to build and operate a large-scale solar power field that encompasses land in Miami, Xenia and Cedarville townships.

  • The Briar Patch | The Myth of Reproductive Agency

    “We stand on the precipice of a time in which the reproductive rights of millions of teenage girls and women hang in the balance in the shadow of a disintegrating medical system and toxic patriarchy.”

  • Bulldog Sports Round-Up | May 19, 2022

    In match ups against Middletown Christian, Dayton Christian and Legacy Christian, the YSHS softball team won all six games, putting them first in the conference with a perfect 6–0 record in league play.

  • COVID Update | May 19, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The number of new cases in the state, tallied for April 29–May 5, was 11,013 compared to 8,731 April 22–28.

  • Meet the new owners of the Mills Park Hotel

    Mills Park employee Ryan Aubin and his husband, Alex Price, purchased the business and 1.6-acre property on April 27 for nearly $4.5 million from the Yellow Springs-based Hammond family. Jim Hammond, his wife, Libby, and daughter, Katie, have owned and operated the hotel since the family opened its doors in 2016.

  • Pat Murphy

    A celebration of life for Pat Murphy will be held Saturday, May 21, beginning at 2 p.m., at the Glen Helen Building. All are welcome.

  • Ordinance 2022-20

    Ordinance 2022-20

  • Ordinance 2022-21

    Ordinance 2022-21

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

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