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At the group's meeting on Wednesday, May 3, the Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals approved a request for 15 Dave Chappelle-hosted summer perfomances at the Wirrig Pavillion. (Photo: Mathieu Bitton/Netflix)

15 Dave Chappelle summer shows approved

On Wednesday, May 3, the Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals, or BZA, gave the green light to another series of outdoor shows hosted by local resident and comedian Dave Chappelle at the Wirrig family pavilion. 

In a vote of 4–0, the board approved a temporary conditional use request by pavilion owner Steve Wirrig to hold 15 ticketed performances at his rural property on weekends over the coming summer. 

BZA Chair Richard Silliman cited the performances’ economic benefits to Miami Township and Yellow Springs in his motion to approve Wirrig’s application. Along with Silliman, board members David Neuhardt, Geoffrey Garrison and Barbara Krabec voted affirmatively, with Amy Achor recusing herself from the decision. 

Owing to the Wirrig Pavilion’s agricultural zoning status within the township, any commercial activity on the land must be approved by the BZA. Wednesday’s meeting was Wirrig’s fifth time in three years approaching the board to authorize a series of Chappelle shows. 

Located between U.S. 68 North and Meredith Road, the pavilion has been the site of dozens of star-studded performances hosted by Chappelle in the summers since 2020. Past shows have been headlined by such celebrities as John Stewart, Chris Rock, Sarah Silverman, David Letterman and others. 

This year’s temporary use permit extends between June 1 and Oct. 8, but as Wirrig told the News following the meeting, no firm schedule for the shows has been set. 

“That’s entirely up to Dave and the production team,” he said. “It’s possible that the first one would be in July.”

Steve Wirrig, owner of the Wirrig family pavilion, spoke before the Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals and sought the group’s approval of his temporary conditional use request. (Photo by Reilly Dixon)


A number of stipulations for the shows were outlined in Wirrig’s application. Shows will occur no more than three times per week, and will not be held on Sundays, except for three-day holiday weekends. Consistent with the 2022 shows, capacity will not exceed 1,000 ticketed attendees. However, no more than 200 cars may be parked at the pavilion. A bussing service will accommodate the overflow. Local food trucks and vendors are permitted to be present at each performance. 

While ticket prices for the coming series have not been set, previous year’s tickets have been around $400 for a pair. 

Unlike the April 28, 2022, BZA hearing when Wirrig stood before a crowd of 60-some attendees when he sought the board’s approval for 24 shows for 2022, this Wednesday’s meeting was far smaller. Approximately 20 area residents were in attendance. Four people spoke in favor of the shows and urged the board’s approval; none spoke against Wirrig’s request. 

Also present for Wednesday’s meeting were Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf and the board’s attorney Jennifer Huber. 

Additional coverage of the Wednesday, May 3, Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals meeting will appear in the May 12 print edition of the Yellow Springs News. 

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13 Responses to “15 Dave Chappelle summer shows approved”

  1. Catherine L Keys says:

    It’s delightful to see a native hippienationee put on a show that displays his belief and truth on today’s issues. I believe him, I trust him. Dave should run for president, just sayin

  2. Lisa Mari Stockdale says:

    I would like a ticket- thank you

  3. renea bais says:

    staying this upcoming weekend in June 2023…sure would be nice to see Dave Chappelle as an added bonus to my mini vacation to Yellow Springs, OH. Please release/post the dates.

  4. Vanessa Poindexter says:

    I would love to have some tickets. Where can I purchase??

  5. Millie Roach says:

    I have been a huge Dave Chapelle fan for many many many years. I live in Fairborn and I would love to buy 4 tickets please!!

  6. Essie Brickhouse says:

    Will these shows be televised for any subscription TV venues to be aired live or on demand? He is a business man, after all. Peace, Love.

  7. Kerri Riley says:

    We would love 2 ticket, but how do we get them?

  8. Markita Edwards says:

    Me and my hunsband would love to watch this in yellow springs i would love two tickets

  9. Claude Hudson says:

    Yes, please post the dates! Are they already sold out? How many people can attend and are the shows open to the public or private?

  10. Ransome Phelps says:

    I’ve already said what I said. Horten the elephant never forgets.

  11. Ransome Phelps says:

    I, Ransome Phelps, as a community member, would like to see this continue, it’s helped OUR community in very special ways, some light heartedly, others, in very special ways. I’d like to see it continue.

  12. Ransome Phelps says:

    I appreciate this

  13. Kim Thompson says:

    Post the dates!! Yellowsprings was the first show my friends and I saw post Pandemic! Bring back Louis CK!!!

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