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June 23–29, 2023 Classifieds

For sale: cars, trucks, etc. | (back to top)
SELL YOUR WHEELS! YS News classified ads will find a new home for your old(er) car. Place your classified ad today!

Yard/garage sales | (back to top)
THE NICE DAYS are finally here! Empty garages and basements: get a yard sale going and announce it here!

Items for sale | (back to top)
GOT A STEPSON IN BRANSON? Tired of reading the police report over the phone? Gift an e-edition subscription: they’ll receive a digital copy of the News in their inbox Thursday morning. Go to and click on “Subscribe.”
THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are now available through, prices include shipping and handling: “Blacks in Yellow Springs: A Community Encyclopedia,” $35; “Legacy of Grace: Musings on the Life and Times of Wheeling Gaunt,” $25.99; “Wheeling Gaunt’s ABCs,” $12. The items may also be ordered by sending a check or money order to: The 365 Project, P.O. Box 165, YSO. 
IT’S GRILLING SEASON! Flying Mouse Farms has 100% grass-fed, locally raised beef. Contact us for cuts and pricing, 937-477-6490 or
ADULT TRIKE, seven speeds; great condition, hardly used. $100 cash. 937-232-0391.

Retail | (back to top)
ENERGY AND IMMUNITY IN ONE. Organic Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil (CBD) co-extracted with an organic blend of Chaga (anti-viral), Cordycep (increases oxygen intake and lung function), Turkey Tail (strengthens immune system) and Reishi (boosts immune function) medicinal mushrooms. Contact Robert Hasek, 937-558-8474, or order at
NEWS SWAG — NOW ONLINE! Lovely Gail Kort cards, posters and illustrations; News books, posters and notecards. Visit our newly created online retail page, You can also stop by our office the old-school way to pick up nifty news gifts, Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Please call for extended hours, 937-767-7373.
OPEN FOR BUSINESS? Let everyone know what you’re doing and how you want to do it. Place a classified ad.

Pets and livestock | (back to top)
DOGS, CATS, TORTOISES: find a good home for animals here.

Trade and Barter | (back to top)
NO MONEY NEEDED! List your services or items for exchange.

Free offers | (back to top)
FIVE REFRIGERATORS: one Frigidaire (largest), one Westinghouse (next largest), two General Electric (college-sized), and one smaller ‘Cory’ (college-sized). All checked – run as of June 2023. Only seriously interested parties please. First come, first served. Call 937-206-5710.
FREE VINTAGE QUILT remnant fabric to repurpose or craft with, 1930/40s era. A mostly intact twin size quilt with pink solid blocks alternating with 8-point morning star pattern and two smaller pieces with green background and also morning star blocks. 937-767-8743.
HAVE A NEW NEIGHBOR? Sign them up for a three-month subscription to the News for free and we’ll deliver a welcome package to them. Call the Yellow Springs News office at 937-767-7373, Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m., or email anytime to help keep your new neighbor informed!

Merchandise wanted | (back to top)
FROM ARTICHOKES to xylophones, this is the place to ask for stuff.

Housing, etc., wanted | (back to top)
LOOKING FOR A PLACE to live? House or apartment to share? Announce it here and find a room or a roommate.

For rent | (back to top)
TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS for rent, Hawthorne Place: one-bedroom, $695; two-bedroom, $795; three-bedroom, $895 plus utilities. Laundry facilities on site. 937-324-3606.
ENJOY A WEEKEND, weekday getaway, wedding venue at the Log Cabin YS. Rent by room or house. Call 757-362-1917 or email:
COMMERCIAL SPACE for lease: warehouse, storage, production, laboratory, studio space, contractor shop, agribusiness, restaurant., 614-403-3004.
COMMERCIAL SPACES for lease: 128½ Dayton Street and 108 Dayton Street. Open floor plans, high ceilings, and great sunlight. Call 937-631-1447.

Real estate for sale | (back to top)
SELLING YOUR HOME? Unless you’re a snail, you’ll eventually have to. List it here, in the classifieds!

Lost and found | (back to top)
FOUND: On Livermore St., a serving spoon with the name Alice on it. To claim, come to the YS News office.
FOUND SOMETHING? Put it out there. Found ads are free, always have been.

Legal notices | (back to top)

Employment | (back to top)
THE ANTIOCH SCHOOL, a 102-year old democratic school, seeks a part-time teacher for its Aftercare program. Hours are 2:45–5:45 p.m. M–F. Interested candidates should send their resume to:
LOOKING FOR HELP? Let us help! Find the perfect fit for your needs via the classifieds.

Volunteer | (back to top)
TIME SHARE? Offer your spare time or find someone who wants to share theirs.

Services available | (back to top)
SCHEDULE YOUR SEASONAL HVAC/Heating check-up today! A-C Service Co., your locally owned heating and plumbing company. Call today, 937-767-7406.
NEIL DOG TRAINING (“evolving” certified professional trainer/retired special education teacher) will help you train your dog. If you are committed, I can help! Neil Silvert, 937-767-1991 or Free evaluation. Reasonable rates — sliding scale.
ED’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Live locally, references, affordable. Siding, repairs, windows, hauling, doors, gutters and gutter guards, clean-outs, soffits. 937-397-3928.
HAVE ANY PAINTING PROJECTS to tackle this summer? Call Maeve Korkan-Laughlin. 937-245-4793. Professional interior and exterior painting. Local references available.
SPARKLING CLEAN SOLAR PANELS! Maximize efficiency. Affordable rates. Call now for professional cleaning services. 937-551-1777,

Financial services | (back to top)
KNOW FINANCES? Help someone who needs it! Advertise your services with a classified ad.

Child care | (back to top)
WATCH KIDS? Let parents know about your invaluable service.

Instruction | (back to top)
BEGINNING SPANISH ZOOM CLASS. The Senior Center is offering a free, “Review of Beginning Spanish” Zoom class starting Wednesday, July 5. This class is geared for people with some Spanish even if it was 50 years ago in high school. It’s geared for senior learners although all ages are welcome. If you want a rigorous challenge, Spanish classes are offered at local universities. This class is to have fun, learn what we can, exercise our brains a bit, socialize a bit and celebrate being alive. If you’ve never studied Spanish before you are absolutely welcome to come see what we’re doing. Many of the people in the class have been studying for a year or so and wanted to review the basics. The book we will be using is “Hola: First Year Spanish Grammar Plain and Simple,” by Tom Alsop and Juan Pablo Rodriguez. If you wish to come check it out, great! You will need to contact the Senior Center at 937-767-5751 to arrange to receive the invitation to the class through their Zoom system. For more information, contact:
KNOW SOMETHING? TEACH SOMETHING! Pass along your knowledge or valuable skills: Place your classified ad today!

Events | (back to top)
WHAT’S GOING ON? Have something planned? Announce it with a classified ad today!

Miscellaneous | (back to top)
CLASSIFIED RATES in the Yellow Springs News — $7 for the first 20 words and 10 cents a word thereafter, for both print and online. Photos are $10 per week, horizontal photos work best. Email us directly at classifieds@ysnews,com, submit online at or stop by the office, 253½ Xenia Ave., by Mondays at 5 p.m. Please note: any yard sales or garage sales need to be prepaid.
DELAYS IN NEWSPAPER DELIVERY? Please call the News at 937-767-7373 if you are experiencing delays. While we cannot guarantee or affect delivery time via local and area post offices, we can confirm that your subscription is in good standing. Newspapers are always available for pick-up at the News office, and subscribers may consider switching to the electronic edition, delivered via email.

Card of thanks | (back to top)
THANK YOU to Pegeen, Liz and Wiley for all the love and hard work you put into a wonderful community building and affirming event. Has there ever been such an amazing lesbian potluck?-Susan and Cindy
THANKS TO THE INCREDIBLE community members who volunteered to help at the Mills Lawn PTO’s Street Fair Parking. We raised a lot of money to do a lot of good, and we couldn’t have done it without YOU! –Mills Lawn PTO
GIVE A SHOUT OUT! Let the village know about a good deed. Card of Thanks is free — 40 words or less.


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