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Village Life

Gathering to talk village trust, discourse

Villagers concerned about the state of public trust and discourse in Yellow Springs are invited to join a Village Café-style gathering Saturday, March 22, 1–4:00 p.m., in First Presbyterian Church’s Westminster Hall.

Participants will engage in discussion about community values and trust and how to develop stronger collaborative relationships across differences. Child care will be available, and refreshments will be provided.

The gathering is sponsored by the Village Mediation Program with support of the YS Community Foundation.

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The Village Café format is based on a process called World Café. Tables are set up where participants are encouraged to sit with three or four people they do not know well.  The process poses a series of questions for participants to answer and discuss, with each question considered a “round,” after which participants change tables and join a different group. A volunteer “table host” remains at each table and summarizes the previous discussion round for the new set of people.


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