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  • The giving Gaunt

    Earlier this week, Village crews did a little sharing of their own and carried out the tradition of delivering flour and sugar to Yellow Springs widows and widowers.

  • A Myriad of handmade art and clothing

    Myriad, located at 108 Dayton St., is one of downtown Yellow Springs’ newest shops. Owned by local resident Colette Palamar, Myriad sells eclectic art, clothing, jewelry and more.

  • Annual Solstice Poetry Reading set

    Now in its 12th year, the Solstice Poetry Reading, presented by Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, and Glen Helen, will be Friday, Dec. 8, 7–9 p.m., at the Glen’s Vernet Ecology Center, 405 Corry St.

  • Concerns over bar noise grow louder

    At the most recent Village Council meeting on Monday, Nov. 20, members of the Dayton-Walnut Streets Neighborhood Action Group — knowingly and facetiously abbreviated to NAG — called for greater oversight from the Village of the downtown noise.

  • Art Jumble brightens season

    Welcome to the Yellow Springs Arts Council’s annual Art Jumble, running now through Dec. 31 at the council’s building, 111 Corry St.

  • New prairie to protect Ellis Pond

    On Thursday, Nov. 16, a small team of local residents and members of the Village Environmental Commission went to the northern reaches of the 17-acre Ellis Park to install a 4,500-square-foot prairie.

  • Isidore Quartet to perform in Yellow Springs

    The Isidore Quartet, a young award-winning ensemble based in New York City, will perform in concert Sunday, Dec. 3, at First Presbyterian Church, as part of the 2023–2024 season of Chamber Music in Yellow Springs.

  • December 1–7, 2023 Classifieds

    Rentals, employment, cars, garage sales and more! Find it all in this week’s classifieds in the Yellow Springs News.

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