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  • Kringlin’ and minglin’

    On Saturday evening, Dec. 2, jolly ol’ Saint Nick took a break from what is ostensibly the busiest time of his year to pay Yellow Springs an early visit.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education | Organizational & Regular Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education | Organizational & Regular Meeting

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Village Council Agenda

    Village Council Agenda

  • Yellow Springs sculptor Jon Barlow Hudson installs newest work

    A major stainless steel sculpture by Yellow Springs-based sculptor Jon Barlow Hudson has been installed outside Ohio University’s Clippinger Chemistry Lab, which is being renovated. Entitled “EIDOLON:NATURE,” the work is 27 feet high by 16 feet in diameter.

  • Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf terminated from position

    During the most recent regular meeting of the Miami Township Board of Trustees on Monday, Dec. 4, longtime Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf was terminated from his position, which he’s held for 24 years.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education | Regular Session

    Yellow Springs Board of Education | Regular Session

  • Yellow Springs to test Gifted Savings pilot

    Beginning in January 2024, Yellow Springs will be the first community in the U.S. to test an up-and-coming philanthropic program in which donors share their wealth with beneficiaries in the form of investment savings accounts. The deadline for applications is Friday, Dec. 15.

  • Phayla Gent

    Phayla Mae “La La” Gent, beloved daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend, has passed away too soon at the young age of 21.

  • Village Council | Utility Round-Up program to be opt-out

    The Village of YS was recognized by the American Public Power Association for its electric reliability.

    Yellow Springs residents may soon be automatically enrolled in the Village’s Utility Round-Up program — wherein municipal utility customers round up their monthly bill to the nearest dollar, with the additional amount going to help those struggling to pay their bills.

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