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July 2, 1964: “NEW FACES on Xenia business buildings include that of the ‘Pizza King,’ former location of Village Bakery [now the Winds Wine Cellar]. There are new windows, a new coat of paint on the building and new landscaping there as well as the controversial sign and the removal of the blue spruce from the spot on which the sign stands (note one blue spruce still there).” Some villagers displayed their discontent with the new sign by picketing the business. (Photo from YS News archives)

News from the Past: July 2024

Compiled by Don Hollister

75 years ago: 1949

“Council Plans to Submit Charter Plan of Village Government to Voters in Fall. A unanimous vote of the four councilmen present, Adams, Beatty, Hughes and Mitchell asked that the village solicitor prepare an ordinance for action by the council at its next meeting on placing the issue of adoption of a charter form of government before voters in the November election.”

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New Factory. “Vernay Laboratories this week announced the purchase of twelve acres of property located at the juncture of the Dayton Pike and East Enon Road. … The section of the property directly to the east of that owned by Ora Tibbs will be offered for sale for building lots.”

Noise Complaint. “Ye Olde Trail Tavern has suspended business operations until August 15 following the issuance by the state liquor board of an order Saturday suspending the establishment’s beer license for thirty days. … The charges against the local establishment had been brought by an examiner of the state liquor board after Walnut St. residents complained about noise from the Tavern.”

Day Camp. “More children are enrolled at Day Camp each week, but work is proceeding smoothly, Mrs. C.S. Adams of the sponsoring Community Council reported this week. … She said the gift of a croquet set would be particularly appreciated.”

50 years ago: 1974

Dog packs. “Cathy Barkley reported a dog pack near her house, 903 Xenia Ave., this week. … Heather Ture, Corry St., reported her dress torn by a pack of dogs.”

Neighbor saves life. “Sari Samuel, five-year-old daughter of Ed and Yoshiko Samuel, Ridgecrest Drive, is ‘improving,’ says her mother. Sari was critically injured about 4:45 p.m. Friday when she ran into the path of a car. … Quick work on the part of Mrs. Joe [Fran] Lewis, who has had practical nurse’s training, saved the child’s life.”

Ads: “SAVE YOUR FAT for Explorer Post 74 soap making project … 1957 VW with sunroof … ORGANICALLY GROWN citrus fruit, $8 bushel. Y.S. Grocery … ROOFING – Flying Lady Roofers. Free estimates.”

25 years ago: 1999

“Skate Park soon to be reality. The Yellow Springs Skate Park is beginning to take shape, giving organizers hope that the facility will be ready to roll by early fall. Thanks to a Greene County GRIP Grant of $30,000 … plus donations from YSI Incorporated, The Yellow Springs Community Foundation and a local resident, along with an in-kind contribution of $9,000 from the Village, [the fund now] amounts to $74,000 — $3,000 shy of the total anticipated cost.”

Mills Lawn site for solar panels. “After a year of searching, engineer Eric Lang and members of the Why Not Corporation have found a home for their solar energy project. A six-by-20-foot rectangle of solar panels mounted to concrete pedestals six feet in height will be installed at Mills Lawn Elementary before the beginning of the next school year.”

Anthrotech. “After 50 years, Anthropology Research Project, Inc. has adopted a new name, Anthrotech … to recognize how our work and our clients have changed over the years. … Although we’ve provided precision measurements of the human body to organizations around the world, our heart belongs to Yellow Springs. Only our name is moving on.”

Bicyclists stage a protest. “For about an hour on Saturday, cyclists held a bicycle park-in downtown, along Xenia Avenue, to call community attention to the need for more bicycle parking. Participants also wanted to encourage more villagers to use bicycles in town. From noon to 1 p.m. a handful of local bicyclists took over spots regularly used by cars and trucks. At the height of the action, the protestors had bikes parked in about ten spots, including the four spaces in front of Weaver’s Market.”

10 years ago: 2014

“Soccer mania comes to village. … This weekend a new soccer tournament will bring to the village more than 500 high school players and 24 teams in pre-season battle. … The First Annual Yellow Springs High School Boys Soccer Team Pre-Season Tournament runs Friday–Sunday at the YSHS fields. … In addition to making money for the boys soccer  program and boosting the town’s economy, the tournament will help [Ben] Van Ausdal’s players gain experience, with two teams from YSHS set to participate in the tournament.” 

Antioch Farm Food Forest. “A tour of the newly planted food forest on the Antioch Farm will be held July 17, 7–8 p.m. … The forest consists of 100 fruit trees, and the tour will feature discussion of the forest’s design, soil improvement and creating the forest’s swales. … Meet at the site, near the corner of Allen Street and Rice Road.”

Truck show returns. “Ertel Publishing’s Vintage Truck Magazine will host its 13th annual Vintage Truck Show on Saturday, Aug. 2. … The free and family-friendly event, which features colorful and restored trucks from the early 1900s through modern times, will be held on the grounds of Young’s Jersey Dairy.”

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