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  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Planning Commission | Meeting Agenda

    Planning Commission | Meeting Agenda

  • Board of Zoning Appeals | Meeting Agenda

    Board of Zoning Appeals | Meeting Agenda

  • Karen Zukowitz

    Karen René Zukowitz, age 66, passed away peacefully at her home, surrounded by her loving family and friends, after a long battle with cancer.

  • A Closer Look | The City of Yellow Springs?

    “What happens if Yellow Springs ever becomes a city?”

    It’s a question that many villagers have asked over the decades as our local population has fluctuated, our small-town economy has become ever more service- and tourism-based and as new housing developments have cropped up.

  • My Name Is Iden | The quiet between

    My Name is Iden

    “People are complicated. We laugh, we love, we hope but, we also cry. We bleed, we despair. We scream. All of that is beautiful.”

  • The Patterdale Hall Diaries | A cheeky pint

    “A very common and significant part of British life, the cheeky pint plays a key role in keeping people sane during trying times.”

  • Tecumseh Land Trust to host annual sugar shack tour

    Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, will host its annual sugar shack tour event at Flying Mouse Farms on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2–4 p.m. Tours will begin at 2, and continue at 20-minute intervals, starting at the TLT office on Whitehall Farm, 4633 U.S. 68 North, where sugar shack visitors are asked to park.

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