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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 124

  • Council tackles sustainability—Economic dialogue continues

    Should Village economic development efforts focus on strengthening local resources or working with regional partnerships? Should the bulk of money earmarked for development be used to pay a staff person, or instead to develop local resources? Is transparency appropriate to the economic development process?

  • Arts center site unveiled

    At the May 18 Village Council meeting, the Yellow Springs Center for the Arts Steering Committee announced a proposed location for a new performing arts facility. “This is an important step toward a vision of Yellow Springs as a center for the arts,” said Jerome Borchers, chair of the committee, who made the announcement.

  • Antioch Buddhist program is 30

    The Buddhist Studies Program of Antioch Education Abroad, or AEA, offers something unique to young people, organizers believe. The young participants not only study Buddhism but live it, immersed in an exotic world as residents of a monastery among monks and nuns.

  • ACP to lead visioning effort

    At its May 4 meeting, Village Council unanimously approved entering into a contract with ACP Visioning & Planning of Columbus to lead the village in a visioning effort. That meeting followed a special Council meeting on April 27 during which Council agreed to move forward with hiring the firm.

  • Development strategies eyed

    At its May 4 meeting, Village Council and citizens continued a previous discussion on how best to implement economic development strategies for the Village. Council discussed various strategies, including hiring an economic development staff person, establishing a citizens task force, hiring a consultant or some combination of the above.

  • Facing cancer, Colbert misses the mayhem of kids and dogs

    More than most of us, Shelley Colbert has spent her life caring for others. For the past 23 years she has cared for the youngest of villagers at her home. Mainly as a single parent, she raised two sons. And in recent years, her parents, who live in town, needed her attention in new ways.

  • In uncertain times, Nonstop holds on to vision and ideals

    Launched a year ago with a little cash, lots of moxie, and an abundance of passion, the Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute is wrapping up its first year soon. According to recent interviews with Nonstop faculty, staff and students, the Nonstop effort has been intense, exhausting and sometimes frustrating. But it’s also been hugely rewarding.

  • Energy group tasked to reduce carbon footprint

    At their April 20 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a resolution that establishes an energy task force for Yellow Springs. The task force, or ETF, will be charged with working with Village staff to develop a strategic plan toward Council’s 2009 goal to “develop a comprehensive policy that addresses global warming and seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of our community.”

  • Antioch deadline extended

    The 90-day deadline that the boards of Antioch University and the Antioch College Continuation Corporation, or AC3, had set as a goal to reach an agreement on the transfer of Antioch College passed last week without a final agreement. However, principals of the negotiations met in Queens, New York, to extend their negotiations for another two months.

  • Local economic development efforts—Focus is arts, tourism, commerce park

    On Monday, May 4, Village Council will continue a conversation it began in early April on how best to move forward with economic development. One of Council’s six 2009 Village goals is to “establish a plan that improves the economic condition of the community.”

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