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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 20

  • Jim Agna: Showing up and taking a stand

    Jim Agna, longtime local physician and Wright State faculty member, is shown here at his Meadow Lane home with a photo of his family. Agna will celebrate his 91st birthday on Feb. 12. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Jim Agna is a low-key and modest guy, so he probably won’t tell you that at many points in his career as a physcian, he’s been at the forefront of social change.

  • New Year’s Eve investigation not yet complete

    At a special meeting tonight called to hear the final report of an independent investigation into the New Year's Eve Ball Drop tensions between villagers and police, shown above, Investigator David Williamson said the investigation is not yet finished. (Submitted photo by Margaret Kinner Fisher)

    At a special Council meeting called to present the final report of the independent investigation into the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop incident, investigator David Williamson said the report is not yet finished.

  • What sort of policing do we want?

    What do Yellow Springers mean when they say they want community policing?

  • An ash tree afterlife

    A local artist used a felled ash tree from the Antioch School to create a new table in the Yellow Springs Library.

  • Attorneys for David Carlson finish case review

    Attorneys for David Carlson, who was charged with a felony following the aftermath of the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop, stated that they have completed their investigation into the case, and concluded Carlson is not guilty.

  • Village Council— Wetland parking lot approved

    At Village Council’s Jan. 17 meeting, Council members voted to move ahead to complete construction of a small parking area near a wetlands on the Glass Farm.

  • Village Council— Policing issues dominate Council

    The fractious aftermath of the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop dominated Village Council’s Jan. 17 meeting, with both Village leaders and community members presenting initiatives for helping to better relations between villagers and local police.

  • A beloved villager is lost

    William "Skip" Brown (from

    This week family and friends shared stories and impressions of William “Skip” Brown, who with Sherri Mendenhall was shot and killed on Sunday at their adjoining apartments on East Enon Road.

  • Carlson named interim chief

    Brian Carlson has been named interim police chief in Yellow Springs.

  • Sister march in Yellow Springs on Saturday

    Yellow Springers may join a local march to show solidarity with the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 21.

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