Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 19
New Year’s Eve investigation costs rising
At their Feb. 21 meeting, Village Council members addressed a recent invoice submitted by Dayton Attorney David Williamson, who is conducting the independent investigation into the New Year’s Eve incident that pitted local police against citizens.
‘Ripples’ celebrates village’s elders
A diversity of both form and content is the goal of “Ripples,” an annual journal that is “a celebration of elders” in the Village.
Police created ‘volatile’ situation on New Year’s Eve, report concludes
The independent investigation of police and citizens following the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop incident holds local police responsible for creating a ’volatile and unsafe situation.’
Antioch School Auction Gala on Saturday
The annual Antioch School Auction Gala will take place this Saturday, March 4, at 6 p.m. at the Antioch College Theater.
YSYOA seeks to enrich local music
The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association hopes to rejuvenate its membership and generate interest in music across a broad range of villagers, both young and old.
Police seek help on sign vandalism
Yellow Springs police seek information on the recent vandalization of 27 local stop signs.
Council considers creating an affordability goal
During a discussion of Council’s 2017 goals at its Feb. 6 meeting, Council members considered creating a new goal to address the issue of affordability in the village.
Seventh big win for News
For the seventh year in a row, the Yellow Springs News came home with the top prize in the weekly newspaper contest at the Ohio Newspaper Association’s annual convention.
New Year’s Eve investigation still incomplete
Several villagers expressed frustration at a special Council meeting when Dayton attorney David Williamson, who is conducting the investigation, reported that the report is not yet complete.
Village Council—Interim police chief is sworn in
Interim Police Chief Brian Carlson was sworn in to his new job at Village Council’s Feb. 6 meeting, amidst statements of support from both Council and community members.
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