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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 134

  • Sidewalk law to be enforced

    At their Feb. 19 meeting, Yellow Springs Village Council members agreed to start enforcing the Village’s sidewalk ordinance this summer by replacing substandard sidewalks along the east side of Xenia Avenue between Herman Street and downtown.

  • Negotiations continue between AC3 and board of trustees

    Negotiations are continuing between the Antioch Continuation Corporation, or AC3, and the Antioch University board of trustees, according to both AC3 and board spokespersons this week. And while each passing week makes more challenging the AC3 goal of achieving independence…

  • Study recommends annex; Council seeks feedback

    Village Council is seeking feedback from villagers on an analysis of the proposed annexation of the Fogg farm property, according to Village Manager Eric Swansen at Council’s meeting on Jan. 2. Village staff members will use the feedback to help guide discussion at a special Jan. 29 Council meeting on the Fogg farm annexation proposal.

  • Village Council vacancy— Van der Heiden to fill seat

    At their meeting Jan. 2, members of the Yellow Springs Village Council appointed Kathryn Van der Heiden to Council’s vacant seat. The unanimous decision followed an executive session of an hour and a half.

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