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Articles by Jessica Thomas :: Page 5

  • Village Council broaches budget shortfall

    On Sunday, Dec. 4, members of Village Council received a memo from Village Manager Josué Salmerón, indicating the Village’s budget was forecasting a deficit of $3,011,720. The memo left Council with two options: cut spending or increase revenues.

  • Village Council discusses vendor fees

    At its most recent meeting on Monday, Nov. 21, Village Council members heard a first reading of an ordinance aimed at tracking and regulating door-to-door sales people and itinerant vendors who sell their wares in the village. If the legislation passes as read, vendors will be required to register monthly with the Village and pay a $25 fee each month.

  • Village Council rejects solid waste fee

    At the Monday, Nov. 21, Village Council meeting, Council members voted down a 2% solid waste fee that would have drawn in funds for educational materials aimed at reducing the amount of organic waste villagers send with their solid waste.

  • ‘Before All the World’— Rothman-Zecher talks new novel

    Former villager Moriel Rothman-Zecher’s new novel, “Before All the World,” was published through Farrar, Straus and Giroux in October of this year.

  • Unsolicited Opinions | What is an antiracist tomorrow?

    “As a person of color in this community, I often find myself torn between feeling lucky to live where I do and wanting to scream at the constant state of ‘white people just not getting it.'”

  • Village Council considers solid waste fee

    At the most recent Village Council meeting on Nov. 7, Council members discussed the possibility of adding a 2% fee to residential solid waste bills. If the fee is adopted, the Village would use the funds to educate residents on ways to reduce their organic solid waste, including recycling and composting.

  • YS Equity pilots guaranteed income program

    What could you do with $300 a month for 24 months? That’s what members of YS Equity, a subsidiary of the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, want to find out through their new Guaranteed Income program, which launched last week.

  • Village Council votes down busking rules

    During a busy and beautiful holiday weekend in Yellow Springs, a street busker entertained holiday shoppers while villagers went about their regular business. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At its regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, Village Council voted down an ordinance that would have added regulations for buskers and street performers in the village.

  • Village Council | Regular Meeting Oct. 17

    Business conducted during Village Council’s most recent meeting Monday, Oct. 17, included the following topics: a noise ordinance, the fourth quarter supplemental budget, a Rumpke contrat and more.

  • Noncitizen voters focus of state Issue 2

    A robust turnout was reported by election officials on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, when villagers and Miami Township residents for the first time voted at Antioch University Midwest. Villagers voted on candidates for Village Council and school board, and village and township voters weighed in on Miami Township trustees. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Voters in the Nov. 8 Ohio election will decide on a ballot issue that would constitutionally disallow noncitizen voters from participating in local elections, if passed.

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