Articles by Matt Minde :: Page 20
Your Village Needs You!
Human Relations Commission
The Falling
Each year, the dramatic bookends of spring and fall act as brief harbingers of their two longer companion seasons.
VIDEO — New climber at Mills Lawn School
The beloved wooden Big Toy was partially destroyed by a falling silver maple during a storm last July. In its place last week arose a mighty, multi-piece structure.
Get by with a little help from my Friends
Family, friends and community members filled up the Mills Lawn gym Saturday evening for the annual concert by Friends Music Camp staff and campers.
Public Meetings
Village Of Yellow Springs
MTFR seeks new facility; WSU land is preferred option
At its July 15 meeting Village Council approved a letter of support for Miami Township Fire-Rescue’s proposal to acquire the former site of Wright State Family Clinic for a new fire station and Township administration building.
From the print: July 4, 2013
July 4, 2013 New Reiki Gong business — A life path that veered to healing Philip Love found in meditation and Eastern spirituality the enlightenment he once sought in a Messiah and a materialistic lifestyle and created his own unique practice that blends Tibetan Reiki healing with the Chinese practice of Qigong. Sports Another Perry […]
Rae Dewey memorial
A memorial for longtime villager Rae Dewey will be held Thursday, July 4, at 2:00 p.m. at the Glen Helen Building.
2013 Mills Lawn School Sixth Grade Clap-out
For the younger residents of the school, it’s just the end of another grade. For the oldest, it’s the end of a world they’ve known since kindergarten.
Schools tackle project-based learning
To stimulate discussion in the wider community about the purpose of project-based learning (PBL), the district has invited a speaker from the Gary and Jerri-Ann Jacobs High Tech High school in San Diego to share ideas about building a curriculum based in PBL.
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