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Articles by Matt Minde :: Page 10

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Edward Vernon Willett

    Edward V. Willett

    Edward V. Willett, 95, an original member of the Tuskegee Airmen, died on Nov. 12, 2016, at Lane Park of Huber Heights, in the Memory Care Unit following an extended illness.

  • Fruit fly

    The Mullin family’s 13th annual Pumpkin Launch at Moonshadow Farm off of St. Rte. 370 launched another victim via a homemade trebuchet, Saturday, Nov 7. The aging squash’s scary scowl (carved by Eliza Minde-Berman) seemed to change to one of shock and surprise as it flew to its ultimate demise. (Submitted photo by Jennifer Berman)

    The Mullin family’s 13th annual Pumpkin Launch at Moonshadow Farm off of St. Rte. 370 launched another victim via a homemade trebuchet.

  • Mills Lawn March Madness

    Critters just kept streaming out of the maw of Mills Lawn School. Bringing up the rear, from left, are Miette Murphy, Eloise Murphy, and Anah Smith watch as wizard Liliana Herzog gestures wildly with her wand, hopefully not transforming co-marcher Alayna Hamilton at her right. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn School’s annual Halloween Parade through downtown Monday brought out the beauty as well as the beast in everyone.

  • The 2016-17 Guide to Yellow Springs

    Read the online edition of the Guide to Yellow Springs.

  • A hair salon gets a new look

    Lori Deal, hair stylist and owner of the recently renovated and renamed Blue Hairon Salon, works with longtime client Linda Sikes, who came to the shop recently in preparation for a family wedding. The salon, which features local, original art in its decor, will open its doors as part of the next village Art Stroll, 6–9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14. Deal will have refreshments for stroll visitors. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Hair stylist Lori Deal is celebrating a new “do” of sorts for her hair salon, along with a new shop name, after the recent completion of a full remodeling of the interior.

  • Yellow Springs Planning Commission

    Monday, Oct. 10, 4:30 p.m.

  • Test post


  • Stair masters: the third annual 9/11 Stair Climb benefit

    Frederickstown, Ohio, firefighter Jason Bostic and his wife, Jennifer, and son Jonas prepared to exit Antioch College’s Main Building on Sunday shortly after completing their 110 flights of stairs. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    126 people took part in this year’s 9/11 Stair Climb, a fundraiser for the survivors and families of the first responders to the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center.

  • Forest friends

    Young musicians with the Friends Music Camp, or FMC, marched through town on Saturday, July 30, to promote the 33rd annual benefit concert for Glen Helen, held later that evening. FMC musicians played flutes, horns, violins, saxophones and plenty of percussion as they passed the Mills Park Hotel and continued to move their joyful noise up Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    What started out as a quick musical march up and down Xenia Avenue (top) ended up as a two-hour performance Saturday evening, July 30, to benefit Glen Helen.

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