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Articles About D.C.

  • Monumental Women’s Marches in YS, D.C. and elsewhere

    At least 250 villagers took to the sidewalks in downtown Yellow Springs last Saturday, Jan. 21, marching in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington and hundreds of other marches around the country and world. The local Sister March was organized by McKinney Middle School seventh-graders Carina Basora and Ava Schell, who set out to create a positive event for all ages in support of equality and women’s rights. Judging by the march’s impressive attendance and joyful vibe — and the abundance of young, determined marchers, including, from left, Oskar Dennis, Malaya Booth and Vivian Bryan — they succeeded. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Photographs tell some of the story of the Women’s March on Washington, a show of solidarity, support for women’s rights and protest against the policies and stances of President Trump. Here, we’ve gathered images from Yellow Springs, Dayton, D.C. and elsewhere.

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