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Articles About medieval plays

  • Medieval plays tap a new root

    A small group of local residents will present a new winter solstice play “Return to the Garden: A Ceremony for the New Time” on Saturday, Dec. 22, at 7 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the Presbyterian Church. The players gathered in front of Rockford Chapel where they have been rehearsing, including, from right, back row: Caryn Diamond, Abby Cobb, Jenny Johnson, Saul Kola, Jennifer Johnson, Anna McClure, Rob Kola; front row: Camíla Dallas-González, Arielle Johnson, Eve Diamond, Phillip Diamond, Autumn Kola, Jacob McClure and Tomé Rios. (Photo by lauren Heaton)

    “Return to the Garden: A Ceremony for the New Time” will be presented Saturday, Dec. 22, the evening of the solstice, at 7 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the First Presbyterian Church.

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