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Articles About ys pride

  • My Name Is Iden | The wisdom of the weeds

    My Name is Iden

    “Humans are strange. Is there a creature that craves novelty more than a human? Or one more fearful of change? Is there another animal as fundamentally paradoxical as a human?”

  • My Name Is Iden | Calling all rainbows

    My Name is Iden

    “This month will be my second time celebrating Pride as an out transgender person and this time I want to see more than just a momentary gathering of little rainbows.”

  • YS Pride celebrates 10 years

    The 10th annual YS Pride celebration is slated to be held on Saturday, June 26, at Antioch Midwest. In celebration of the anniversary of YS Pride, this year’s celebration will feature a variety of events and experiences.

  • Solidarity on Stonewall anniversary

    What happened at Stonewall in NYC 1969, was a riot against the police. It wasn’t in answer to just a few homophobic police officers targeting our social havens in one city. This was a manifestation of our rage against the socially, politically, legally sanctioned nationwide assault on our culture.

  • Celebrate YS Pride

    The village’s LGBTQ comnunity and allies will celebrate YS Pride this Saturday, June 30, with a festival beginning at noon and continuing through the day until 5 p.m. in the parking lot of Peach’s. The Pride Parade begins at 5 p.m. from Peach’s parking lot, and continues downtown. Pictured above is Zay Crawford, a proud participant who led last year’s parade. (News archive Photo By Aaron Zaremsky)

    The annual local celebration, YS Pride, will be this Saturday, June 30, with a free festival from noon to 5 p.m. behind Peach’s Grill featuring music, food and vendors.

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