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Articles About Economic Sustainability Commission

  • Council eyes creating a CIC

    At Village Council’s June 18 meeting, Council revisited a previous discussion on the potential benefits and costs of creating a designated community improvement corporation, or CIC.

  • Village Council — Airbnb regulation in question

    Village Council continued to grapple at its Oct. 16 meeting with how best to regulate local Airbnb lodging, and whether proposed legislation is too restrictive.

  • Medical marijuana firm scouts Yellow Springs site

    A medical marijuana company has expressed interest in locating a cultivation and production facility in Yellow Springs.

  • Different visions for CBE land in Yellow Springs

    Villagers remain divided in their vision for the 35 acres of land on the western edge of Yellow Springs known as the CBE, according to survey results presented at Village Council’s April 17 meeting by members of the Economic Sustainability Commission, or ESC.

  • In 80s, incubator boosted businesses in Yellow Springs

    One of Village government’s first attempts at revving up the economy involved hiring villagers Vicki Morgan and Phyllis Schmidt in 1986 as Yellow Springs Associates, in an attempt to improve the image of Yellow Springs to surrounding communities.

  • Economic development plan OKd

    A public/private economic sustainability outreach team of local leaders for the purpose of business retention, expansion and attraction.

  • New economic plan presented to Council

    At their March 5 meeting, Village Council members heard a presentation of the new Yellow Springs Economic Sustainability Plan, created by the Economic Sustainability Commission.

  • Commissions make a difference

    Village commissions, staffed by appointed citizens and elected officials, are fundamental to the functioning of Village government. While the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Community Access Panel, and Economic Sustainability Commission are not currently seeking volunteers, they offer opportunity for direct citizen involvement in governmental affairs.

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