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Articles About flying mouse farms

  • Love shack

    Around 150 people braved muddy conditions Sunday, Feb. 25, to attend Flying Mouse Farms’ annual sugar shack tour to learn about the production of maple syrup and land stewardship.

  • Annual sugar shack tour planned

    A family-friendly tour of Flying Mouse Farm, owned by John DeWine and Michelle Burns, with its sugar shack and maple sugaring operation will take place this Sunday, March 4, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the farm at 100 E. Fairfield Pike. Attendees should dress for muddy conditions. (Photo by Will Drewing)

    Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, will host its annual sugar shack tour Sunday, Feb. 25, 2–4 p.m., at Flying Mouse Farms, 100 E. Fairfield Pike.

  • Lending local farmers a hand

    Yellow Springs Farmers Market coordinator Michele Burns sold maple syrup at her stall at the weekly market earlier this season. More recently, her Flying Mouse Farms booth has also featured greens, beets, broccoli and cauliflower. Burns sees the farmers market as a key part of the local food system. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    Over the last few weeks, the News interviewed farmers who raise livestock and grow produce for the local market. They spoke to the joys and challenges of farming, both brought into sharper detail with this season’s stormy weather. This week, the News covers what local organizations are doing to grow the local food movement.

  • Maple sugaring at Flying Mouse

    A family-friendly tour of Flying Mouse Farm, owned by John DeWine and Michelle Burns, with its sugar shack and maple sugaring operation will take place this Sunday, March 4, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the farm at 100 E. Fairfield Pike. Attendees should dress for muddy conditions. (Photo by Will Drewing)

    2018 is Flying Mouse Farms’ tenth year producing maple syrup, and maple sugaring season came early this year, as it did the year before, and the year before that.

  • Sugar Shack Tour coming up March 4

    As sap flows in area sugar maples, syrup season is just around the corner. Flying Mouse Farms is hosting a Sugar Shack Tour on March 4 to show local residents how the sweet stuff is made.

  • From sap to syrup

    Michelle Burns and John Dewine of Flying Mouse Farms showed off their maple syrup operation on Sunday. See their “sugar shack” and more photos after the jump.

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