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Articles About Greene County Public Library :: Page 2

  • Science and Cowboy Magician this week

    Michelle White of Crystal Clear Science and cowboy magician Mark Wood will be at the Yellow Springs Library this week.

    “Spellbound!” science today and “I Dig Reading” on Wednesday at the library for the kids.

  • Reading a summer portal for all ages

    Kids gathered on the library steps on Saturday morning during Street Fair to hear Dorie Phillips sing and dance at the library. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    How can a person meet the woman behind Tiffany’s glass, learn Arabic, relive the Apollo 11 lunar landing, unravel the secret plot against an ophanage in Botswana and travel through time and space in one summer?

  • Village moves toward use of renewables for energy

    The Village of Yellow Springs is having some successs finding alternative energy sources to provide electricity to village residents and businesses, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff in a discussion with Council at its May 3 meeting.

  • Top library hopes for support

    Call him crazy, but Greene County Public Library Director Karl Colón believes that the library ought to serve the taxpayers who support it. When the people said in a 2005 survey that they wanted more youth programs, better communication and a bigger collection, the Yellow Springs library started console game madness for teens, gussied up its newsletter and Web site and started ordering more books.

  • Teens wield tools for library mural

    “Help create a teen space mural for the Yellow Springs Public Library. Make new friends! Wear fashionable safety glasses! Learn how to master a jigsaw, cutting intricate shapes out of wood with the blade only inches from your fingers! Amaze your friends! Worry your parents!

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