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Articles About Morris Bean & Company

  • A new plan to protect local water

    Local drinking water comes from a wellfield south of town located near the water treatment plant. The area that collects water within a five-year time-of-travel to the wellfield is known as the source water protection area. The 2001 Wellhead Protection Plan identifying this area was recently updated by the Environmental Commission, with new strategies for protecting the aquifer that is the source for local drinking water. (Source: Yellow springs Wellhead Protection Plan)

    What should the Village of Yellow Springs do to protect its water supply? Stay vigilant about pollution threats, test local water more often and educate citizens to prevent groundwater pollution, according to the Environmental Commission’s recent update of a 2001 plan.

  • Plan to protect local drinking water updated

    An update the Village of Yellow Springs Wellhead Protection Plan, first passed in 2001, features new strategies to protect the aquifer that is the source of local drinking water.

  • Village Council— Morris Bean, police ‘overreach‘ are topics

    At their July 5 meeting, Council members heard from villagers concerned about the environmental practices of the local company Morris Bean, and also about the “overreach” of some local police officers.

  • Village Council— Morris Bean seeks sewer tie-in

    At Village Council’s June 6 meeting, Council members heard a request from Morris Bean leaders to permit that company to connect to the Village sewer system.

  • EPA cites Morris Bean for discharge

    Morris Bean & Company will soon bid out a project to fill in a sinkhole at its Hyde Road plant after the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency cited the company for releasing industrial wastewater into the sinkhole and potentially contaminating groundwater in the Village’s source water protection area.

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