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Articles About Perry League t-ball :: Page 2

  • A thrill to see T-ballers fly

    The evening began with a gift. Russell Besson, 13, a T-ball graduate, came up to me with a large, blue-cloth-covered-something-or-other. He told me they’d heard that our current bat-and-ball and hand-sweeper bag was old, falling apart.

  • Bats blaze in Majors, Minors

    The Tom’s Market Pirates lost their first game of the season in last week’s play and saw their lead over the Nipper’s Corner Reds fall to just half a game.

  • The true beauty of T-ball

    It was a bit of a homecoming night at Perry League last Friday. We had the remarkable Gama-Lobo clan — Morgan, 9, Marina, 7, and Mayaan, 3 — visiting, vacationing, coming about 8,000 miles from South Africa.

  • The downs and ups of T-ball

    Tommy Moore is a T-ball champion — and home run hitter. He’s strong, he bats well, and is thoughtful and considerate.

  • Joyful dashing & crashing of T-ball

    T-baller Cayden Maloney concentrates for his at-bat moment at Friday night’s Perry League T-ball, which meets at Gaunt Park every Friday night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Five-year-old Zander Breza’s grandfather, Michael Breza, said he liked our last article and appreciated what we do with this Perry League program. We thanked him, but he said there was one shortcoming: we had not mentioned Zander.

  • T-ball’s land of love and miracles

    Tanner Miller, in a bright-orange cap with some sort of super hero on it — Batman? — tells me as we line up to race to the outfield for our warm-up exercises, “I’m the oldest one here!”

  • Those remarkable rascals of T-ball

    Last Friday, longtime Perry League T-ball coach Jimmy Chesire, center, gave the signal that started a herd of t-ballers stampeding towards the light pole to do stretches and warm-ups for the final “1,000 strikes” of the summer at last year's final night of T-ball. (Photo by Isaac Delamatre)

    Spring is here, with summer right around the corner. And that means it’s time for the Perry League, Yellow Springs’ all-volunteer, 10-week T-ball program for kids 2–9 years of age.

  • Perry League: 2017 T-ball season ends in song

    More than 50 kids and 150 adults celebrated another summer of Perry League T-ball at last Friday night’s end-of-summer potluck. The evening included fence-climbing and anthem-singing, plus the usual T-ball antics and fun. Shown above are Maddie McGuire and Zander Breza with Coach Jimmy Chesire. (Sbmitted photo)

    Thank you, all you children, all you kids, all you rapscallions, who come play with us. We are grateful to you and hope to see you all here, there, everywhere, as we plan to do this all over again next summer.

  • Yucky balls and divine mud

    It’s been an unusually wet month. WHIOTV7 weather says we’ve had 4.04 inches of rain this month and that the normal amount of rain in July is 2.91 inches. “This isn’t T-ball,” Erin Fink exclaimed. “It’s mud ball!”

  • A muddlicious time at T-ball

    I love the mud balls and mud puddles. In fact, I yearn for the days before the Village put in drainage pipes, which drain the field after a good rain, forever eliminating the great six-foot-diameter, 28 square feet of water puddles of yesteryear.

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