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Articles About Perry League t-ball :: Page 4

  • T-ball’s no joke, but fun abounds

    We’re doing knock-knock jokes. I don’t know who started this. We were doing our exercises. We were about to get on our hands and knees and crawl around two other people when someone said, “Knock, knock.”

  • T-ball’s healing powers

    My day up until 6:30 p.m. Friday evening had not been treating me well. My body had renewed its occasional auto-immune-y ache, which it is keen to do when it is least desired. The buzzing of a solitary mosquito inside my head that began around noon had grown to a symphony of construction equipment banging […]

  • Jimmy’s back, so is t-ball

    Spring is here, summer is right around the corner, and that means it’s time once again for the Perry League, Yellow Springs’ all volunteer, 10-week t-ball program for girls and boys, 2–9 years of age.

  • Yellow Springs Perry League t-ball — We can all do it, if we try

    “Look what I can do!” says Dorothy Paddison, 7. This creative, fun-loving girl is reversing the instructions, lifting her toes up in the air, all the way to her nose, ‘til she is wobbling around. The inevitable happens; she falls backwards.

  • T-ball: all business, all fun

    After the rains this summer, the Gaunt Park diamond where we play every Friday night became kind of hard. In fact, it was a little bit like concrete. But this last Friday night we played in glorious, beautiful, perfect dusty-dirt.

  • Each week, a little t-ball miracle

    While I am a newcomer to reporting on t-ball, I’m pretty sure that a t-ball miracle happens every time we play.

  • To honor Coach Jimmy, play ball!

    As they were having their picture taken on the bleachers “for Coach Jimmy”, the closing crowd of about 30 children spontaneously cheered, over and over, “PER-RY LEAGUE, PER-RY LEAGUE, PER-RY LEAGUE!”

  • Guest Blog: Win One for Coach Jimmy!

    Last Friday night's t-ballers lined up on the bleachers for a special "get well" portrait for Coach Jimmy (Photo by Matt Minde)

    As soon as the news was out on what had happened a number of us had two immediate responses: “Please let this terrific human being be okay,” and “T-ball must go on. Coach Jimmy will only worry about his kids if we don’t.”

  • Another Perry League lovefest

    We got access to the Village’s riding law mower. And, now get this — this is the kind of phenomenal and fantastic thing that happens at t-ball all the time — after spending several hours getting that old relic of a mower to work, Matt spent a couple more hours grating that cement-like ball diamond.

  • Kindness and capers at t-ball

    “Okay, everyone on your hands and knees!” I say. “I know what we’re going to do!” Caroline Tucker sings out enthusiastically. “What?” I ask. “Everyone crawl around two other human beings!” Caroline says.

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