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Articles About Perry League t-ball :: Page 7

  • Tender-hearted fun at Perry League

    The Perry League, Yellow Springs’ beginners baseball program, our t-ball program for girls and boys ages 2–9, for all our children regardless of race, color or creed, kicks off its 2010 season Friday night, June 4. As usual, we will have the two Gaunt Park ball diamonds from 6:30–8 p.m. every Friday night, all summer, June 4–August 6.

  • Memory book for Coach Chesire

    T-ball coach Coach Jimmy Chesire is retiring, and plans are underway to commemorate his 25 years of dedication to young people and t-ball with a memory book. Susan Hyde is requesting pictures and/or stories about t-ball players and/or Jimmy, from t-ball players and their families past and present. Susan requests submissions to her by Oct. […]

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Lois Miller won the third race of her freshman year on Saturday, Sept. 26, taking the title at the 28th annual Bellbrook cross country invitational. The Lady Bulldogs, with 59 points, improved their season record by taking home the second place trophy, just behind Bellbrook with 25 points, and ahead of Wilmington in third with 69.

  • The Great Strike of ’09

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5: 30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • T-ball begins

    Perry League, Yellow Springs’ T-ball program, opens its 2009 season Friday night, June 5, 6:30 p.m. at Gaunt Park. The village’s non-competitive beginners baseball program is open to girls and boys ages 2–9. Two- and three-year-olds are welcome if accompanied on the diamond by an adult.

  • I’m sorry that the season’s over

    How do you say goodbye? Parting is such sweet sorrow. (Remember the 1970s best seller, Love Story by Erich Segal, and its promotional line, “Being in love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

  • Whistles, genetics, trophies, oh my!

    We start the evening and end the evening with a whistle. It’s a fascinating thing how so many of us love the sound of the athletic whistle, the clear-high-pitched, a train’s-a-coming blast of it.

  • Psychic or not, come to t-ball

    I ran into a couple of t-ball players Saturday at Docton’s Animal Clinic in Xenia, when I was picking up medicine for our new, 8-week-old puppy, Cody. Olivia Ling, 4, marched in the front door with her fabulous sister Eliana, 6, their mom Audrey, and their guinea pig in a box.

  • Meet our promising future at t-ball

    A couple of years back, Steffi Cooper, 8, was distressed about our races to the outfield and back at the beginning and ending of the evening. “Someone always loses,” she said.

  • Perry League aging well at 38!

    We had a ton of children last Friday. I was surprised. I had expected turnout to be thin because of the 4th of July layover — we didn’t have t-ball Friday night, July 4, so there was a two-week break between t-ball nights, nor our usual one.

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