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Articles About Village Council :: Page 34

  • Attracting young familes focus of joint meeting

    At last night’s joint between the Yellow Springs School Board and Village Council, the first such meeting in five years, board and council members discussed with the public ways to attract more young families to the village.

  • The 3 percent solution for energy use

    When the Village’s electric power supplier looks into the future, its leaders assume that the village’s need for electricity will increase by about 1 percent each year. But with much of the supply currently coming from carbon–emitting coal plants, villagers and Village leaders have been looking for ways not to be such predictable power consumers.

  • Low-income senior housing builder presents to Council

    At their May 17 meeting, members of Village Council heard a presentation on low-income senior housing from Lynn Dalton, president of the Franklin Foundation of Columbus. The nonprofit group has built 14 senior communities in Ohio, and is interested in partnering with the Village or local nonprofits to build one in Yellow Springs.

  • Green pricing offers power options

    Yellow Springs residents will soon have the opportunity to ensure that the cost of their share of household energy use goes to supporting renewable power sources like the sun, wind, waterways and landfill gas. Village Council on Monday, May 19, agreed to initiate a new “green pricing” program that will offer residents the option of […]

  • University threatens legal action against Village

    Last week Antioch University threatened legal action against the Village of Yellow Springs in response to the Village’s request that the university dismantle an unauthorized air conditioning unit.

  • Council unanimously urges university to save college

    At their meeting Monday, May 5, members of Village Council unanimously passed a resolution urging that Antioch University keep Antioch College open. “I feel strongly that it’s important for us to take a stand one way or another,” said Council member Lori Askeland, who wrote the resolution.

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