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Articles About Village Council :: Page 33

  • Cuts shrink Village budget

    In these difficult economic times, it’s a familiar story for states and municipalities: while revenues are falling, costs are rising. And that’s the story again this year for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Home, Inc. waiver approved by Village Council

    At their Nov. 7 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a request from Home, Inc. to waive tap-in fees for the proposed Home, Inc./Buckeye Community Hope Foundation affordable senior housing project.

  • 11 candidates vie for offices

    Well past the filing deadline for the Nov. 8 local elections, 11 candidates are officially seeking election for offices in the village.

  • First small step for senior apartments

    The most recent senior housing complex proposed for the Barr property downtown got its first nod from Village Planning Commission during a packed public hearing on Monday, Aug. 8.

  • Village Council — Levy monies spent as promised

    At their Jan. 18 meeting Village Council members unanimously approved a resolution to place a renewal of the Village 8.4 mill property tax operating levy on the ballot in May.

  • 2011 Village budget considered

    The proposed 2011 Village budget is a “fiscally prudent document” that allows the Village to pursue several critical capital projects in the upcoming year, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff.

  • Green space funding approved

    At their Nov. 1 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a motion to allocate a significant portion of Village estate tax revenues each year to the greenbelt fund, in order to provide regular funding for green space preservation.

  • Fluoridation debate to focus on its benefits and risks

    Whether the Village of Yellow Springs should continue to fluoridate its drinking water and at what level will be debated at a forum organized by Village Council from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the John Bryan Center Gym.

  • Proposal considered for affordable village housing

    Village Council members began a discussion on a proposal for a modest joint Village/Home, Inc., project for affordable housing.

  • Visioning results presented

    At a special meeting with Village Council and the Miami Township Trustees on Monday, Aug. 30, the two governmental bodies were presented with a written draft for public review of the year-long Yellow Springs/Miami Township visioning process.

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