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Articles About Yellow Springs School District :: Page 2

  • New YSHS McKinney Middle School principal to be approved

    The Yellow Springs school board unanimously approved current Vice Principal Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School beginning the 2019–20 school year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    In a special meeting Thursday, March 21, the Yellow Springs school board was expected to approve Jack Hatert as the new principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School for the 2019–20 school year.

  • School Board—Principal selection begins

    From left, YSHS/McKinney Interim Principal Jack Hatert and Superintendent Mario Basora at last week’s school board meeting. Basora is heading to a job in Huber Heights, while Hatert has applied for the principal position at YSHS/McKinney. (Photo by Gary McBride)

    The hiring process for a permanent principal for Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School was a main topic at the Yellow Springs Board of Education’s Feb. 14 meeting.

  • The school levy: What you need to know

    by Yellow Springs School Board The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously at its Dec. 14 meeting to seek a May 2018 levy for a proposed $18.5 million rebuild/renovation of McKinney Middle/YSHS. Pictured here is a concept design, prepared by Ruetschle Architects and presented at the meeting, showing the buildings targeted for demolition, as well as those where renovations only are planned. (Rendering submitted)

    On Tuesday, May 8, residents of the Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District will vote on a combined property tax and income tax bond levy for the renovation and replacement of the local middle school and high school. Learn more about the issue.

  • New Yellow Springs school buildings under consideration

    Last week, the Yellow Springs Combined School District hosted its second community forum designed to update residents on the plans for new school buildings and to gauge public feedback on the project.

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