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Articles About YS News

  • The ‘News’ off the page, on the stage

    In the text of the classified ad about a lost puppy, there is a bigger story. In the letter to the editor about a neighbor’s farm that should or shouldn’t be developed, there is a bigger story. In the sports section about a ragamuffin team that clawed its way to state, there is still a bigger story.

  • ‘News’ wins state awards

    At the recent annual Osman Hooper contest for weekly newspapers, the Yellow Springs News won first place in editorials, features and original columns, along with awards in advertising, special editions and in-depth reporting.

  • ‘News’ wins top newspaper prize

    The Yellow Springs News was named the top newspaper in its class recently at the annual Osmond C. Hooper Newspaper Show, the annual competition among Ohio weekly newspapers. The contest took place Feb. 14 in Columbus as part of the annual Ohio Newspaper Association annual convention.

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