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Articles About Antioch College revival :: Page 5

  • New Antioch College pro tem board members named

    The Antioch College Alumni Board recently named three new members of the pro tem board for an independent Antioch College. The three new board members, Terry Herndon of Massachusetts, Rozell Nesbitt of Chicago and Edward Richard of California…

  • Antioch College pro tem board members named

    The Antioch College Alumni Association has named the first five members of its proposed pro tem board of trustees for an independent college.

  • Prominent academics call for the reopening of college

    More than 1,480 academics from liberal arts faculties and state and private universities around the country have signed a petition expressing their support for the efforts of the Antioch College alumni and faculty to save the college.

  • Major funds are needed to restart Antioch College

    At a time when it seems to many that nothing can be done until everything is done to revive Antioch College, core alumni negotiators urged simplicity and focus on the number one task: separation of the college from Antioch University.

  • Efforts at independence for Antioch College move ahead

    Efforts to create an independent Antioch College moved forward last week with a resolution issued jointly by the college alumni board and Antioch University Board of Trustees that charged a task force to prepare a letter of intent for college independence as soon as possible.

  • Energized alumni keep eyes on an independent college

    At their annual reunion in Yellow Springs last weekend, about 400 Antioch College alumni took steps to move ahead quickly to reach an agreement with the Antioch University Board of Trustees for an independent college.

  • New hope, new purpose at ‘08 Antioch alumni reunion

    A little more than a week ago, this week’s Antioch College Alumni Reunion seemed notable for possibly being the last reunion of the 155-year-old institution before Antioch closes its doors June 30.

  • In surprise move, trustees seek autonomy for college

    In an unexpected move last week, the Antioch University Board of Trustees passed a resolution calling for the Antioch College Alumni Association to create a process aimed at establishing an independent Antioch College.

  • University presidents played key role in rejection of ACCC

    When the Antioch Univerity Board of Trustees on May 8 rejected the Antioch College Continuation Corporation’s proposal to save the college, a significant factor was the opposition to the proposal from the presidents of the university’s other five campuses…

  • Nonstop Antioch, nonstop ideals

    Some folks just won’t take no for an answer. Take, for instance, the faculty, students and alumni of Antioch College who recently launched Nonstop Antioch. “We have heard ‘no’ so many times, but it’s not in our vocabulary,”…

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