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Articles About community building

  • Full house, full bellies at Community Thanksgiving

    Foodstuffs — and people — were plentiful at the 2017 Community Thanksgiving Dinner. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, organized by the Yellow Springs Interfaith Council, completed its 12th year in crowded splendor, hosting over 250 people.

  • BLOG–Enacting MLK’s Beloved Community: Yellow Springs Edition

    What began with a community meeting in 2015 is culminating in a six-week journey this fall. Do we have the communal will to be in significant relationships with refugees and Muslims in the greater-Dayton area? 

  • Community Solutions’ 63rd conference — A focus on climate solutions

    The 76-year-old Community Solutions will hold its 63rd conference, “Climate Crisis Solutions: Charting a New Course.” The event dates are Friday–Sunday, Oct. 21–23. Seventeen local, national and international experts will speak.

  • Forty years of making connections in Yellow Springs

    Paul Larkowski, left, shared a laugh with longtime village electrician Larry Gerthoffer, better known as Larry Electric. Gerthoffer has been wiring village homes and businesses for over 40 years. Larkowski, who is working toward his contractor’s license under Gerthoffer, hopes to continue his mentor’s ‘lectric legacy in Yellow Springs. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Larry Gerthoffer, better known as Larry Electric, has been a “fixture” of Yellow Springs for more than 40 years.

  • Kindness and caring in Yellow Springs, 2014

    In November about 30 Home, Inc. volunteers helped paint the new home of Caleab and Erica Wyant and family. Shown above are Rudy Mae Wyant and her good friend, Lucy Shows-Fife, at the event. (Photo by Lauren Shows)

    For this holiday edition of the News, staffers asked readers to respond to the question, “What acts of kindness and caring have you witnessed in the village during 2014?” I am grateful for the kind acts of love and kindness shown to me from a very cool villager named Nick Cunningham. My family is sort […]

  • Yellow Springs village peacemakers of 2013

    In December, the News, inspired by a suggestion from the Human Relation Commission’s Linda Rudowski, asked villagers to name local residents who had acted as peacemakers or had helped to create harmony in the community in the past year.

  • 2013 Community Thanksgiving Dinner

    The ninth year of Yellow Springs community Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success; an estimated 225 people participated. (Submitted photos by Joan Chappelle)

    The ninth year of Yellow Springs community Thanksgiving dinner was a huge success, thanks to the combined efforts of many people.

  • Parties bond neighborhoods

    Kids and grown-ups alike appeared to enjoy themselves at one of last year’s 19 neighborhood block parties, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission. This year’s block parties take place the week-end of Aug. 19–21, with most on Sunday, Aug. 21, 5–8 p.m. Check the accompanying article for the list of the neighborhoods having parties, and if you wish to host one in your neighborhood, contact Joan Chappelle at 767-7056. (Submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Organizers of the annual neighborhood block parties want participants to have a good time. But beyond that, they aim to strengthen the ties between those who live close to each other in Yellow Springs.

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