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Articles About enrollment

  • YS School District talks ‘State of the Schools’

    District enrollment is up from last year, breaking a several-year trend of declining student numbers; there are currently 634 students being educated in the district, with 436 being residents and 198 open-enrolled.

  • New Antioch College class, smaller than hoped

    Antioch College President Tom Manley spoke with freshman Eva Westermeyer at a meet-and-greet event earlier this month during welcome week. Westermeyer is one of 44 students in this year’s incoming class, hailing from 15 states. Thirty-nine percent of the class of 2020 are students of color, and 46 percent are the first in their family to attend college. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    At just 44 students, Antioch College’s incoming class, the class of 2020 represents a moment of both promise and peril for the college.

  • AUM plans for recovery

    Ellen Wood Hall was named interim vice president of Antioch University Midwest on July 1. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    After a brief stint as provost this spring, Ellen Wood Hall’s current role as interim president of Midwest has given her a challenge: to reverse downward enrollment trends and to more evenly balance the strengths of all three of the school’s academic programs.

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