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Articles About fall

  • First Lines — October, catching fire

    Not all poems marvel or praise. Some embrace the bleakness — as this month’s poem by MJ White does, beautifully.

  • The Falling

    The first leaf to turn. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Each year, the dramatic bookends of spring and fall act as brief harbingers of their two longer companion seasons.

  • Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…

    Brigid and Conner Digiacomo, ages 6 and 8, of Beavercreek were told to find a pumpkin they could carry to the car. They did their best to find ones that rolled instead. (photo by Suzanne Ehalt)

    Brigid and Conner Digiacomo, ages 6 and 8, of Beavercreek were told to find a pumpkin they could carry to the car. They did their best to find ones that rolled instead.

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